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PDFs of the papers are available upon request at donat@dphaeder.de

1. Nultsch, W. and Häder, D.-P.: Bestimmung der photophobotaktischen Unterschiedsschwelle bei Phormidium uncinatum. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 83, 185-192 (1970).
2. Häder, D.-P. and Nultsch, W.: Untersuchungen zur Abgrenzung der Arten Phormidium uncinatum und Phormidium autumnale. Schweiz. Ztschr. Hydrologie 33, 567-577 (1971).
3. Häder, D.-P. and Nultsch, W.: Negative photophobotactic reactions in Phormidium uncinatum. Photochem. Photobiol. 18, 311-317 (1973).
4. Häder, D.-P.: Participation of two photosystems in the photophobotaxis of Phormidium uncinatum. Arch. Microbiol. 96, 255-266 (1974).
5. Nultsch, W. and Häder, D.-P.: Über die Rolle der beiden Photosysteme in der Photophobotaxis von Phormidium uncinatum. Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 87, 83-92 (1974).
6. Häder, D.-P.: The effect of inhibitors on the electron flow triggering photophobic reactions in Cyanophyceae. Arch. Microbiol. 103, 169-174 (1975).
7. Häder, D.-P.: Effects of inhibitors in photomotion. In: Colombetti, G. (ed.): Biophysics of photoreceptors and photobehaviour of microorganisms. Litofelici: Pisa 1975, pp.             198-218.
8. Häder, D.-P.: Phobic reactions between two adjacent monochromatic light fields. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 78, 173-176 (1976).
9. Häder, D.-P.: Further evidence for the electron pool hypothesis. The effect of KCN and DSPD on the photophobic reaction in the filamentous blue-green alga Phormidium             uncinatum. Arch. Microbiol. 110, 301-303 (1976).
10. Häder, D.-P. and Wenderoth, K.: Role of three basic light reactions in photomovement of desmids. Planta 137, 207-214 (1977).
11. Häder, D.-P.: Influence of electric fields on photophobic reactions in blue-green algae. Arch. Microbiol. 114, 83-86 (1977).
12. Häder, D.-P.: Speculation about sensory transduction. In: Castellani, A. (ed.): Research in photobiology. Plenum Press, New York 1977, pp. 95-102.
13. Häder, D.-P.: Extracellular and intracellular determination of light-induced potential changes during photophobic reactions in blue-green algae. Arch. Microbiol. 119, 75-79       (1978).
14. Häder, D.-P. and Burkart, U.: Mathematical model for photophobic accumulations of blue-green algae in light traps. J. Math. Biol. 5, 293-304 (1978).
15. Häder, D.-P.: Evidence of electrical potential changes in photophobically reacting blue-green algae. Arch. Microbiol. 118, 115-119 (1978).
16. Nultsch, W. and Häder, D.-P.: Photomovement of motile microorganisms. Photochem. Photobiol. 29, 423-437 (1979).
17. Häder, D.-P.: Effect of inhibitors and uncouplers on light-induced potential changes triggering photophobic responses. Arch. Microbiol. 120, 57-60 (1979).
18. Häder, D.-P. and Poff, K. L.: Inhibition of aggregation by light in the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Arch. Microbiol. 123, 281-285 (1979).
19. Wenderoth, K. and Häder, D.-P.: Wavelength dependence of photomovement in Desmids. Planta 145, 1-5 (1979).
20. Häder, D.-P. and Poff, K. L.: Photodispersal from light traps by amoebas of Dictyostelium discoideum. Exp. Mycol. 3, 121-131 (1979).
21. Häder, D.-P.: Photomovement. In: Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, New Series. Vol. 7. Movement. Haupt, W. and Feinleib, M. E. (eds.) Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New             York 1979, pp 268-309.
22. Häder, D.-P. and Poff, K.L.: Light-induced accumulations of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae. Photochem. Photobiol. 29, 1157-1162 (1979).
23. Song, P.-S., Häder, D.-P. and Poff, K. L.: Step-up photophobic response in the ciliate, Stentor coeruleus. Arch. Microbiol. 126, 181-186 (1980).
24. Song, P.-S., Häder, D.-P. and Poff, K. L.: Phototactic orientation by the ciliate, Stentor coeruleus. Photochem. Photobiol. 32, 781-786 (1980).
25. Nultsch, W. and Häder, D.-P.: Light perception and sensory transduction in photosynthetic prokaryotes. In: Hemmerich, P. (ed.) Structure and Bonding 41, Molecular Structure and Sensory Physiology, Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1980, pp. 111-139.
26. Häder, D.-P., Whitaker, B. D. and Poff, K. L.: Responses to light by a nonphototactic mutant of Dictyostelium discoideum. Exp. Mycol. 4, 382-385 (1980).
27. Burkart, U. and Häder, D.-P.: Phototactic attraction in light trap experiments: A mathematical model. J. Math. Biol. 10, 257-269 (1980).
28. Häder, D.-P.: Photosensory transduction chains in Prokaryotes. In: Lenci, F., Colombetti, G. (eds.) Plenum Press, New York, 1980, pp. 355-372.
29. Häder, D.-P. and Poff, K. L.: Effect of ionophores and TPMP +  on light-induced responses in Dictyostelium discoideum. Arch. Microbiol. 126, 97-101 (1980).
30. Häder, D.-P.: Electrical and proton gradients in the sensory transduction of photophobic responses in the blue-green alga, Phormidium uncinatum. Arch. Microbiol., 130, 83-86 (1981).
31. Hong, C. B., Häder, M. A., Häder, D.-P. and Poff, K. L.: Phototaxis in Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae. Photochem. Photobiol. 33, 373-377 (1981).
32. Häder, D.-P.: Computer-based evaluation of phototactic orientation in microorganisms. EDV in Med. Biol. 12, 27-30 (1981).
33. Häder, D.-P.: Calculator in Basic. Chip 9, 56-57 (1981).
34. Häder, D.-P., Colombetti, G., Lenci, F. and Quaglia, M.: Photo in the flagellates, Euglena gracilis and Ochromonas danica. Arch. Microbiol., 130, 78-82 (1981).
35. Häder, D.-P.: Effects of inhibitors on photomovement in desmids. Arch. Microbiol. 129, 168-172 (1981).
36. Häder, D.-P. and Poff, K.L.: Spectrophotometric measurement of plastoquinone photoreduction in the blue-green alga, Phormidium uncinatum. Arch. Microbiol., 131, 347-350 (1982).
37. Häder, D.-P. and Poff, K.L.: Dependence of the photophobic response of the blue-green alga Phormidium uncinatum on cations. Arch. Microbiol. 132, 345-348 (1982).
38. Häder, D.-P. and Burkart, U.: Mathematical simulation of photophobic responses in blue-green algae. Math. Biosci. 58, 1-17 (1982).
39. Häder, D.-P.: Movement reactions of blue-green algae in response to their photoenvironment. In: Calkins, J., (ed.) The role of solar ultraviolet radiation in marine ecosystems. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1982, pp. 411-416.
40. Häder, D.-P.: Coupling of photomovement and photosynthesis in desmids. Cell Motility, 2, 73-82 (1982).
41. Häder, D.-P. and Burkart, U.: Enhanced model for photophobic responses of the blue-green alga, Phormidium uncinatum. Plant Cell Physiol. 23, 1391-1400 (1982).
42. Colombetti, G., Häder, D.-P., Lenci, F. and Quaglia, M.: Phototaxis in Euglena gracilis: Effect of sodium azide and triphenylmethyl phosphonium ion on the photosensory transduction chain. Curr. Microbiol. 7, 281-284 (1982).
43. Häder, D.-P.: Gated ion fluxes involved in photophobic responses of the blue-green alga, Phormidium uncinatum. Arch. Microbiol. 131, 77-80 (1982).
44. Häder, D.-P. and Burkart, U.: Optical properties of Dictyostelium discoideum pseudoplasmodia responsible for phototactic orientation. Exp. Mycol. 7, 1-8 (1983).
45. Häder, D.-P., Williams, K. L. and Fisher, P. R.: Phototactic orientation by amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum slug phototaxis mutants. J. Gen. Microbiol. 129, 1617-1621 (1983).
46. Häder, D.-P. and Melkonian, M.: Phototaxis in the gliding flagellate, Euglena mutabilis. Arch. Microbiol. 135, 25-29 (1983).
47. Häder, D.-P.: Inhibition of phototaxis and motility by UV-B irradiation in Dictyostelium discoideum slugs. Plant Cell Physiol. 24, 1545-1552 (1983).
48. Häder, D.-P., Claviez, M., Merkl, R. and Gerisch, G.: Responses of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae to local stimulation by light. Cell Biol. Internatl. Rep. 7, 611-616 (1983).
49. Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV-B irradiation on sorocarp development of Dictyostelium discoideum. Photochem. Photobiol. 38, 551-555 (1983).
50. Lenci, F., Colombetti, G. and Häder, D.-P.: Role of flavin quenchers and inhibitors in the sensory transduction of the negative phototaxis in the flagellate, Euglena gracilis. Current Microbiol., 9, 285-290 (1983).
51. Häder, D.-P. and Burkart, U.: Mathematical simulation of Dictyostelium discoideum pseudoplasmodia movements. J. Math. Biol., 67, 41-57 (1983).
52. Kim, I.-H., Prusti, R. K., Song, P.-S., Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M.: Phototaxis and photophobic responses in Stentor coeruleus: Action spectrum and role of Ca 2+-fluxes. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 799, 298-304 (1984).
53. Poff, K. L., Burkart, U., Häder, D.-P. and Vierstra, R. D.: The transmission of combined neutral density filters. Photochem. Photobiol. 39, 119-122 (1984).
54. Poff, K. L. and Häder, D.-P.: An action spectrum for phototaxis by pseudoplasmodia of Dictyostelium discoideum. Photochem. Photobiol., 39, 433-436 (1984).
55. Lipson, E. D. and Häder, D.-P.: Video data acquisition for movement responses in individual organisms. Photochem. Photobiol. 39, 437-441 (1984).
56. Reisser, W. and Häder, D.-P.: Role of endosymbiotic algae in photokinesis and photophobic responses of ciliates. Photochem. Photobiol. 39, 673-678 (1984).
57. Prusti, R. K., Song, P.-S., Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M.: Caffeine-enhanced photomovement in the ciliate, Stentor coeruleus. Photochem. Photobiol. 40, 369-375 (1984).
58. Häder, D.-P. and Burkart, U.: Movement of Dictyostelium pseudoplasmodia in vivo and in a mathematical simulation. Plant Cell Physiol. 25, 705-714 (1984).
59. Häder, D.-P.: Photomovement. In: Senger, H. (ed.) Blue Light Effects in Biological Systems. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 1984, pp. 435-443.
60. Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV-B on motility and photoorientation in the cyanobacterium, Phormidium uncinatum. Arch. Microbiol. 140, 34-39 (1984).
61. Häder, D.-P. and Schreckenbach, T.: Phototactic orientation in plasmodia of the acellular slime mold, Physarum polycephalum. Plant Cell Physiol. 25, 55-61 (1984).
62. Häder, D.-P.: Wie orientieren sich Cyanobakterien im Licht. BIUZ 14, 78-83 (1984).
63. Colombetti, G., Häder, D.-P. and Lenci, F.: Photosensory responses in freely motile microorganisms. In: Colombetti, G. and Lenci, F. (eds.) Membranes and Sensory Transduction. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1984, pp. 199-229.
64. Häder, D.-P.: Bewegungssteuerung von Blaualgen durch Licht. BIUZ 14, 27-29 (1985).
65. Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV-B on motility and photobehavior in the green flagellate, Euglena gracilis. Arch. Microbiol. 141, 159-163 (1985).
66. Häder, D.-P.: Negative phototaxis of Dictyostelium discoideum pseudoplasmodia in UV radiation. Photochem. Photobiol. 41, 225-228 (1985).
67. Häder, D.-P.: Computer-aided studies of photoinduced behaviors. In: Colombetti, G., Lenci, F. and Song, P.-S. (eds.) Sensory Perception and Transduction in Aneural Organisms. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1985, pp. 75-91.
68. Mikolajczyk, E., Häder, D.-P. and Nultsch, W.: Photodynamically induced chemoresponses of the colorless flagellate, Astasia longa, in the presence of riboflavin. Arch. Microbiol. 142, 397-402 (1985).
69. Häder, D.-P.: Photomovement in Cyanophora paradoxa. Arch. Microbiol. 143, 100-104 (1985).
70. Häder, D.-P. and Lebert, M.: Real time computer-controlled tracking of motile microorganisms. Photochem. Photobiol. 42, 509-514 (1985).
71. Häder, D.-P.: Role of calcium in phototaxis of Physarum polycephalum. Plant Cell Physiol. 26, 1411-1417 (1985).
72. Fisher, P. R., Häder, D.-P. and Williams, K. L.: Multidirectional phototaxis by Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 29, 43-47 (1985).
73. Häder, D.-P.: The effect of enhanced solar UV-B radiation on motile microorganisms. In: Worrest, R. C. and Caldwell, M. M. (eds.) Stratospheric Ozone Reduction, Solar Ultraviolet Radiation and Plant Life. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1986, pp. 223-233.
74. Häder, D.-P. and Wenderoth, K.: Light-induced electrical potential changes and motility in desmids. Gen. Physiol. Biophys. 5, 173-178 (1986).
75. Melkonian, M., Meinicke-Liebelt, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Photokinesis and photophobic responses in the gliding flagellate, Euglena mutabilis. Plant Cell Physiol. 27, 505-513 (1986).
76. Poff, K. L., Fontana, D. R., Häder, D.-P. and Schneider, M. J.: An optical model for phototactic orientation in Dictyostelium discoideum slugs. Plant Cell Physiol. 27, 533-539 (1986).
77. Häder, D.-P.: Signal perception and amplification in photomovement of prokaryotes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 864, 107-122 (1986).
78. Häder, D.-P., Watanabe, M. and Furuya, M.: Inhibition of motility in the cyanobacterium, Phormidium uncinatum, by solar and monochromatic UV irradiation. Plant Cell Physiol. 27, 887-894 (1986).
79. Mikolajczyk, E., Nultsch, W. and Häder, D.-P.: Chemoaccumulation of the colorless flagellate, Astasia longa, in the presence of the photosensitizer methylene blue. Acta Protozool. 25, 179-186 (1986).
80. Häder, D.-P. and Lipson, E.: Fourier analysis of angular distributions for motile microorganisms. Photochem. Photobiol. 44, 657-663 (1986).
81. Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar and artificial UV irradiation on motility and phototaxis in the flagellate, Euglena gracilis. Photochem. Photobiol. 44, 651-656 (1986).
82. Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and DiLena, M. R.: New Evidence for the mechanism of phototactic orientation of Euglena gracilis. Curr. Microbiol. 14, 157-163 (1986).
83. Häder, D.-P.: Polarotaxis, gravitaxis and vertical phototaxis in the green flagellate, Euglena gracilis. Arch. Microbiol. 147, 179-183 (1987).
84. Häder, D.-P.: Photosensory behavior in procaryotes. Microbiol. Rev. 51, 1-21 (1987).
85. Häder, D.-P.: Photomovement in eukaryotic microorganisms. Photobiochem. Photobiophys., Suppl. 203-214 (1987).
86. Häder, D.-P.: The relation of photosynthesis to blue light effects. In: Senger, H. (ed.) Blue Light Responses: Phenomena and Occurence in Plants and Microorganisms. CRC Press, Inc., pp. 145-160 (1987).
87. Häder, D.-P.: Movement. In: Senger, H. (ed.) Blue Light Responses: Phenomena and Occurence in Plants and Microorganisms. CRC Press, Inc., pp. 101-130 (1987).
88. Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV-B irradiation on photomovement in the desmid, Cosmarium cucumis. Photochem. Photobiol. 46, 121-126 (1987).
89. Häder, D.-P.: Photomovement. In: Fay, P. and Van Baalen, C. (eds.) The Cyanobacteria. pp. 325-345. Elsevier Amsterdam, New York, Oxford (1987).
90. Häder, D.-P., Rhiel, E. and Wehrmeyer, W.: Phototaxis in the marine flagellate Cryptomonas maculata, J. Photochem. Photobiol. 1, 115-122 (1987).
91. Häder, D.-P.: Automatic area calculation by microcomputer-controlled video analysis. EDV Med. Biol. 18, 33-36 (1987).
92. Häder, D.-P. and Griebenow, K.: Versatile digital image analysis by microcomputer to count microorganisms. EDV Med. Biol. 18, 37-42 (1987).
93. Häder, D.-P. and Truß, M.: High resolution scanning of absorbing and fluorescent electrophoresis gels using video image analysis. CABIOS 3, 339-343 (1987).
94. Häder, D.-P., Rhiel, E. and Wehrmeyer, W.: Ecological consequences of photomovement and photobleaching in the marine flagellate Cryptomonas maculata. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 53, 9-18 (1988).
95. Häder, D.-P.: Signal perception and amplification in photoresponses of cyanobacteria. Biophys. Chem. 29, 155-159 (1988).
96. Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M.: Inhibition of motility and phototaxis in the green flagellate, Euglena gracilis, by UV-B radiation. Arch. Microbiol., 150, 20-25 (1988).
97. Häder, D.-P.: Ecological consequences of photomovement in microorganisms. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 1, 385-414 (1988).
98. Häder, D.-P. and Griebenow, K.: Orientation of the green flagellate, Euglena gracilis, in a vertical column of water. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 53, 159-167 (1988).
99. Nultsch, W. and Häder, D.-P.: Photomovement in motile microorganisms II. Photochem. Photobiol. 47, 837-869 (1988).
100. Rhiel, E., Häder, D.-P. and Wehrmeyer, W.: Photoorientation in a freshwater Cryptomonas species. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 2, 123-132 (1988).
101. Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and DiLena, M. R.: Effects of culture age and drugs on phototaxis in the green flagellate, Euglena gracilis. Plant Physiol. (Life Sci. Adv.) 6, 169-174 (1987).
102. Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M.: Ultraviolet-B inhibition of motility in green and dark bleached Euglena gracilis. Current Microbiol. 17, 215-220 (1988).
103. Häder, D.-P.: Computer-assisted image analysis in biological sciences. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Plant Sci.) 98, 227-249 (1988).
104. Rhiel, E., Häder, D.-P. and Wehrmeyer, W.: Diaphototaxis and gravitaxis in a freshwater Cryptomonas. Plant Cell Physiol. 29, 755-760 (1988).
105. Ekelund, N. and Häder, D.-P.: Photomovement and photobleaching in two Gyrodinium species. Plant Cell Physiol. 29, 1109-1114 (1988).
106. Häder, D.-P., Watanabe, M. and Furuya, M.: Multiple photoreceptors in phototaxis of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae. Protoplasma 1, 155-161 (1988).
107. Häder, D.-P.: Photomovement of microorganisms. In: Greppin, H. and Wagner, E. (eds.): Mecanismes de l'Irritabilité et du Fonctionnement des Rythmes chez les Végétaux. Colloque de Freiburg Octobre 1983, Freiburg, pp. 54-72.
108. Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M. A.: Effects of solar UV-B irradiation on photomovement and motility in photosynthetic and colorless flagellates. Environ. Exp. Bot. 29, 273-282 (1989).
109. Häder, D.-P.: Advanced techniques in photobehavioral studies: Computer-aided studies. In: Douglas, R. H., Moan, J. and Dall'Acqua, F. (eds.): Light in Biology and Medicine. Plenum Press New York, London, pp. 385-392 (1988).
110. Häder, D.-P.: Einfluß von UV-B-Strahlung auf die Photoorientierung von Flagellaten. Laufener Sem. Beitr. 3, 67-73 (1989).
111. Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M.: Effects of solar radiation on photoorientation, motility and pigmentation in a freshwater Cryptomonas. Botanica Acta 102, 236-240 (1989).
112. Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M. A.: Effects of solar and artificial radiation on motility and pigmentation in Cyanophora paradoxa. Arch. Microbiol. 152, 453-457 (1989).
113. Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M.: Effects of solar radiation on development in the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum. Photochem. Photobiol. 50, 557-580 (1989).
114. Liu, S.-M., Häder, D.-P. and Ullrich, W.: Photoorientation in the freshwater dinoflagellate, Peridinium gatunense Nygaard. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 73, 91-102 (1990).
115. Hemmersbach-Krause, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Negative gravitaxis (geotaxis) of Paramecium-demonstrated by image analysis. Appl. Microgravity Tech. II 4, 221-223 (1990).
116. Häder, D.-P., Worrest, R. C. and Kumar, H. D.: Aquatic ecosystems. UNEP Environmental Effects Panel Report 39-48 (1989).
117. Worrest, R. C. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of stratospheric ozone depletion on marine organisms. Environmental Conservation 16, 261-263 (1989).
118. Häder, D.-P., Häder, M., Liu, S.-M. and Ullrich, W.: Effects of solar radiation on photoorientation, motility and pigmentation in a freshwater Peridinium. BioSystems 23, 335-343 (1990).
119. Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M.: Effects of UV radiation on motility, photo-orientation and pigmentation in a freshwater Cryptomonas. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 5, 105-114 (1990).
120. Häder, D.-P. and Kauer, G.: Image analysis techniques for automatic evaluation of two-dimensional electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 11, 407-415 (1990).
121. Galland P., Keiner, P., Dörnemann, D., Senger, H., Brodhun, B. and Häder, D.-P.: Pterin- and flavin-like fluorescence associated with isolated flagella of Euglena gracilis. Photochem. Photobiol. 51, 675-680 (1990).
122. Häder, D.-P., Liu, S.-M., Häder, M. and Ullrich, W.: Photoorientation, motility and pigmentation in a freshwater Peridinium affected by ultraviolet radiation. Gen. Physiol. Biophys. 9, 361-371 (1990).
123. Häder, D.-P. and Liu, S.-M.: Effects of artificial and solar UV-B radiation on the gravitactic orientation of the dino Peridinium gatunense. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 73, 331-338 (1990).
124. Brodhun, B. and Häder, D.-P.: Photoreceptor proteins and pigments in the paraflagellar body of the flagellate, Euglena gracilis. Photochem. Photobiol. 52, 865-871 (1990).
125. Kawai, H., Müller, D. G., Fölster, E. and Häder, D.-P.: Phototactic response in the gametes of the brown alga, Ectocarpus siliculosus. Planta 182, 292-297 (1990).
126. Häder, D.-P., Vogel, K. and Schäfer, J.: Responses of the photosynthetic flagellate, Euglena gracilis, to microgravity. Microgravity sci. technol. III, 110-116 (1990).
127. Häder, D.-P. and Liu, S.-M.: Motility and gravitactic orientation of the flagellate, Euglena gracilis, impaired by artificial and solar UV-B radiation. Curr. Microbiol. 21, 161-168 (1990).
128. Hemmersbach-Krause, R., Häder, D.-P., Köhler, M., Perdigao, J. and Briegleb, W.: Cellular functions of Paramecium under different gravity conditions. Proceedings of the Fourth European Symposium on Life Science Research in Space (ESA SP-307), 285-290 (1990).
129. Häder, D.-P. and Vogel, K.: Graviorientation in photosynthetic flagellates. Proceedings of the Fourth European Symposium on Life Science Research in Space (ESA SP-307), 521-526 (1990).
130. Vogel, K. and Häder, D.-P.: Simultaneous tracking of flagellates in real time by image. Proceedings of the Fourth European Symposium on Life Science Research in Space (ESA SP-307), 541-545 (1990).
131. Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M.: Effects of solar and artificial UV radiation on motility and pigmentation in the marine Cryptomonas maculata. Env. Exp. Bot. 31, 33-41 (1991).
132. Häder, D.-P. and Kreuzberg, K.: Algal bioreaction-concept and experiment design. Proceedings of the Workshop (DARA/CNES) on Artificial Ecological Systems, Marseille, 24-26 October 1990, 211-221 (1990).
133. Häder, D.-P.: Tracking of flagellates by image analysis. In: Alt, W. and Hoffmann, G. (eds.): Biological Motion, Proceedings Königswinter 1989. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 343-360 (1990).
134. Häder, D.-P., Liu, S.-M. and Kreuzberg, K.: Orientation of the photosynthetic flagellate, Peridinium gatunense, in hypergravity. Curr. Microbiol. 22, 165-172 (1991).
135. Hemmersbach-Krause, R., Briegleb, W., Häder, D.-P. and Plattner, H.: Gravity effects on Paramecium cells: An analysis of a possible sensory function of trichocysts and of simulated weightlessness on trichocyst exocytosis. Europ. J. Protistol. 27, 85-92 (1991).
136. Musgrave, A. and Häder, D.-P.: Phototactic responses of Chlamydomonas eugametos gametes before and after fusion. Gen. Physiol. Biophys. 10, 189-199 (1991).
137. Häder, D.-P. and Worrest, R.C.: Effects of enhanced solar ultraviolet radiation on aquatic ecosystems. Photochem. Photobiol. 53, 717-725 (1991).
138. Häder, D.-P. and Brodhun, B.: Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the photoreceptor proteins and pigments in the paraflagellar body of the flagellate, Euglena gracilis. J. Plant Phys. 137, 641-646 (1991).
139. Häder, D.-P. and Vogel, K.: Interactive image analysis system to determine the motility and velocity of cyanobacterial filaments. J. Biochem. Biophys. Meth. 22, 289-300 (1991).
140. Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M.: Effects of solar radiation on motility, photomovement and pigmentation in two strains of the cyanobacterium, Phormidium uncinatum. Acta Protozool. 29, 291-303 (1990).
141. Häder, D.-P. and Liu, S.-M.: Biochemical isolation and spectroscopic characterization of possible photoreceptor pigments for phototaxis in a freshwater Peridinium. Photochem. Photobiol. 54, 143-146 (1991).
142. Häder, D.-P. and Vollertsen, B.: Phototactic orientation in Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae. Acta Protozool. 30, 19-24 (1991).
143. Häder, D.-P. and Reinecke, E.: Phototactic and polarotactic responses of the photosynthetic flagellate, Euglena gracilis. Acta Protozool. 30, 13-18 (1991).
144. Eggersdorfer, B. and Häder, D.-P.: Phototaxis, gravitaxis and vertical migrations in the marine dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum micans. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 85, 319-326 (1991).
145. Häder, D.-P. and Häder, M.A.: Effects of solar radiation on motility in Stentor coeruleus. Photochem. Photobiol. 54, 423-428 (1991).
146. Häder, D.-P. and Hansel, A.: Response of Dictyostelium discoideum to multiple environmental stimuli. Bot. Acta 104, 200-205 (1990).
147. Hemmersbach-Krause, R., Häder, D.-P. and Briegleb, W.: Dependence of gravitaxis in Paramecium on oxygen. Europ. J. Protistol. 27, 278-282 (1991).
148. Häder, D.-P., Reinecke, E., Vogel, K. and Kreuzberg, K.: Responses of the photosynthetic flagellate, Euglena gracilis, to hypergravity. Eur. Biophys. J. 20, 101-107 (1991).
149. Häder, D.-P.: Effects of enhanced solar ultraviolet radiation on aquatic ecosystems. In: Lenci, F., Ghetti, F., Colombetti, G., Häder, D.-P. and Song, P.-S. (eds.) Biophysics of Photoreceptors and Photomovements in Microorganisms. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1991, pp. 157-172.
150. Häder, D.-P.: Phototaxis and gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis. In: Lenci, F., Ghetti, F., Colombetti, G., Häder, D.-P. and Song, P.-S. (eds.) Biophysics of Photoreceptors and Photomovements in Microorganisms. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1991, pp. 203-221.
151. Häder, D.-P.: Strategy of orientation in flagellates. In: E. Riklis (ed.) Photobiology. The Science and its Applications. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1991, pp. 497-510.
152. Häder, D.-P.: Use of image analysis in photobiology. In: E. Riklis (ed.) Photobiology. The Science and its Applications. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1991, pp. 329-343.
153. Häder, D.-P. and Vogel, K.: Simultaneous tracking of flagellates in real time by image analysis. J. Math. Biol. 30, 63-72 (1991).
154. Zündorf, I. and Häder, D.-P.: Biochemical and spectroscopic analysis of UV effects in the marine flagellate Cryptomonas maculata. Arch. Microbiol. 156, 405-411 (1991).
155. Häder, D.-P. and Hoiczyk, E.: Gliding motility. In: Melkonian M. (ed.) Algal Cell Motility, pp. 1-38. Chapman and Hall, New York and London (1992).
156. Häder, D.-P.: Introduction. In Häder, D.-P. (ed.): Image analysis in biology, pp. 3-5. CRC Press, Boca Raton (1992).
157. Häder, D.-P.: Analysis of two-dimensional electrophoresis gels. In Häder, D.-P. (ed.): Image analysis in biology, pp. 87-105. CRC Press, Boca Raton (1992).
158. Häder, D.-P. and Vogel, K.: Real time tracking of microorganisms. In Häder, D.-P. (ed.): Image analysis in biology, pp. 289-313. CRC Press, Boca Raton (1992).
159. Donkor, V. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar and ultraviolet radiation on motility, photomovement and pigmentation in filamentous, gliding cyanobacteria. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 86, 159-168 (1991).
160. Eggersdorfer, B. and Häder, D.-P.: Phototaxis, gravitaxis and vertical migrations in the marine dinoflagellates, Peridinium faeroense and Amphidinium caterii. Acta Protozool., 30, 63-71 (1991).
161. Hemmersbach-Krause, Briegleb, W. and Häder, D.-P.: Swimming behavior of Paramecium-First results with the low-speed centrifuge microscope (NIZEMI) Adv. Space Res. 12, 113-116 (1992).
162. Häder, D.-P., Worrest, R. C. and Kumar, H. D.: Aquatic ecosystems. UNEP Environmental Effects Panel Report 33-40 (1991).
163. Vornlocher, H.-P. and Häder, D.-P. Isolation and characterization of the putative photoreceptor for phototaxis in amoebae of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum. Botanica Acta 105, 47-54 (1992).
164. Fischer, M. and Häder, D.-P.: UV effects on the pigmentation of the flagellate Cyanophora paradoxa-biochemical and spectroscopic analysis. Europ. J. Protist. 28, 163-169 (1992).
165. Häder, D.-P.: Advanced methods in photobiology of protists. Acta Protozool. 30, 135-156 (1992).
166. Häder, D.-P. and Scheuerlein, R.: Enhancement of fluorescence micrographs by image analysis. Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 66, 313-321 (1991).
167. Fischer, M. and Häder, D.-P.: UV effects on photosynthesis and phycobiliprotein composition in the flagellate Cyanophora paradoxa. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 101, 121-131 (1992).
168. Häberlein, A. and Häder, D.-P.: UV effects on photosynthetic oxygen production and chromoprotein composition in a freshwater flagellate Cryptomonas. Acta Protozool. 31, 85-92 (1992).
169. Haser, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Orientation and phototaxis in pseudoplasmodia of an axenic strain of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum. Exp. Mycol. 16, 119-131 (1992).
170. Gerber, S. and Häder, D.-P.: UV effects on photosynthesis, proteins and pigmentation in the flagellate Euglena gracilis: biochemical and spectroscopic observations. Biochem. System. Ecol. 20, 485-492 (1992).
171. Häder, D.-P.: UV-Strahlung: Ein weiteres globales Umweltproblem, pp. 127-135. In. G. Altner, B. Mettler-Meibom, U.E. Simonis and E.U. von Weizsäcker (eds.): Jahrbuch Ökologie, Beck, München (1993).
172. Vornlocher, H.-P. and Häder, D.-P.: Biochemical and spectroscopic investigations of the presumed photoreceptor for phototaxis in amoebae of the cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium discoideum. Acta Protozool. 31, 159-168 (1992).
173. Häder, D.-P. and Worrest, R.C.: Effects of ozone depletion on aquatic ecosystems, pp. 254-270. In: Ilyas, M. (ed.) Ozone depletion. Implications for the tropics. Univ. of Malysia and United Nations Environment Programme (1991).
174. Vogel, K., Hemmersbach-Krause, R., Kühnel, C. and Häder, D.-P.: Swimming behavior of the unicellular flagellate, Euglena gracilis, in simulated and real microgravity. Micrograv. Sci. Technol. 5, 232-237 (1993).
175. Häder, D.-P.: UV-B effects on phytoplankton. In: A. Shima, M. Ichahashi, Y. Fujiwara and H. Takebe (eds.) Frontiers of Photobiology. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Photobiology, Kyoto, Japan, 7-12 September 1992. Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, London, New York, Tokyo (1993).
176. Kessler, J. O., Hill, N. A. and Häder, D.-P.: Orientation of swimming flagellates by simultaneously acting external factors. J. Phycol. 28, 816-822 (1992).
177. Stallwitz, E. and Häder, D.-P.: Motility and phototactic orientation of the flagellate Euglena gracilis impaired by heavy metal ions. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B.: Biol. 18, 67-74 (1993).
178. Tirlapur, U., Scheuerlein, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Motility and orientation of a dinoflagellate, Gymnodinium, impaired by solar and ultraviolet radiation. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 102, 167-174 (1993).
179. Donkor, V.A., Amewowor, D. H. A. K. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of tropical solar radiation on the motility of filamentous cyanobacteria. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 12, 143-148 (1993).
180. Donkor, V.A., Amewowor, D. H. A. K. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of tropical solar radiation on the velocity and photophobic behavior of filamentous gliding cyanobacteria. Acta Protozool. 32, 67-72 (1993).
181. Kühnel-Kratz, C. and Häder, D.-P.: Real time three-dimensional tracking of ciliates. J. Photochem. Photobiol. 19, 193-200 (1993).
182. Häder, D.-P.: Risks of enhanced solar ultraviolet radiation for aquatic ecosystems. In: Round, F. E. and Chapman, D. J., eds.) Progress in Phycological Research. Vol. 9, pp. 1-45 (1993).
183. Kühnel-Kratz, C., Schäfer, J. and Häder, D.-P.: Phototaxis in the flagellate, Euglena gracilis, under the effect of microgravity. Microgr. Sci. Technol. 4, 188-193 (1993).
184. Brodhun, B. and Häder, D.-P.: UV induced damage of proteins in the paraflagellar body of Euglena gracilis. Photochem. Photobiol., 58, 270-274 (1993).
185. Hemmersbach-Krause, R., Briegleb, W., Häder, D.-P., Vogel, K., Grothe, D. and Meyer, I.: Orientation of Paramecium under the conditions of weightlessness. J. Euk. Microbiol. 40, 439-446 (1993).
186. Gerber, S. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar irradiation on motility and pigmentation of three species of phytoplankton. Env. Exp. Biol. 33, 515-521 (1993).
187. Tirlapur, U., Häder, D.-P. and Scheuerlein, R.: UV-B mediated damage in the photosynthetic flagellate, Euglena gracilis, studied by image analysis. Beitr. Biol. Pflanzen 67, 305-317 (1993).
188. Haupt, W. and Häder, D.-P.: Photomovement. In: R. E. Kendrick and G. H. M. Kronenberg (eds.) Photomorphogenesis in Plants. 4. ed., pp. 707-732. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London (1994).
189. Häder, D.-P.: Effects of enhanced solar ultraviolet radiation on aquatic ecosystems. In: Tevini, M. (ed.) UV-B Radiation and Ozone Depletion. Effects on Humans, Animals, Plants, Microorganisms, and Materials. Lewis Publ., Boca Raton, Ann Arbor, London, Tokyo, pp. 155-192 (1993).
190. Hemmersbach-Krause, R., Briegleb, W., Vogel, K. and Häder, D.-P.: Swimming velocity of Paramecium under the conditions of weightlessness. Acta Protozool. 32, 229-236 (1993).
191. Liu, S.-M and Häder, D.-P.: Isolation and characterization of proteins from the putative photoreceptor for positive phototaxis in the dinoflagellate, Peridinium gatunense Nygaard. Photochem. Photobiol. 59, 86-90 (1994).
192. Hagen, C., Braune, W., Vogel, K. and Häder, D.-P.: Functional aspects of secondary carotenoids in Haematococcus lacustris (Girod) Rostafinski (Volvocales). V. Influences on photomovement. Plant Cell Environm. 16, 991-995 (1993).
193. Häder, D.-P.: Simulation of phototaxis in the flagellate Euglena gracilis. J. Biol. Phys. 19, 95-108 (1993).
194. Gerber, S. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of enhanced UV-B irradiation on the red coloured freshwater flagellate Euglena sanguinea. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 13 177-184 (1994).
195. Stallwitz, E. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of heavy metals on motility and gravitactic orientation of the flagellate, Euglena gracilis. Europ. J. Protistol. 30, 18-24 (1994).
196. Schäfer, J., Sebastian, C. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar radiation on motility, orientation, pigmentation and photosynthesis in a green dinoflagellate Gymnodinium. Acta Protozool. 33, 59-65 (1993).
197. Braune, W., Häder, D.-P. and Hagen, C.: Copper toxicity in the green alga Haematococcus lacustris: flagellates become blind by copper (II) ions. Cytobios 77, 29-39 (1994).
198. Hemmersbach-Krause, R., Briegleb, W., Häder, D.-P., Vogel, K., Klein, S. and Mulisch, M.: Protozoa as model systems for the study of cellular responses to altered gravity conditions. Adv. Space Res. Vol. 14, 49-60 (1994).
199. Kühnel-Kratz, C. and Häder, D.-P.: Light reactions of the ciliate Stentor coeruleus-a three-dimensional analysis. Photochem. Photobiol. 59, 257-262 (1994).
200. Häder, D.-P. und Gerber, S.: Risiken erhöhter UV-B-Strahlung auf Phytoplankton. In: Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie, Bd. 8 "Klimaforschung in Bayern", pp. 167-172 (1994). Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München.
201. Häder, D.-P.: UV-B effects on aquatic systems. In: Stratospheric Ozone Depletion/UV-B Radiation in the Biosphere, pp. 155-160. NATO ASI Series, Vol. I18, Biggs, R.H. and Joyner, M.E.B. (eds.) Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1994).
202. Brodhun, B., Neumann, R., Hertel, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Riboflavin-binding sites in the flagella of Euglena gracilis and Astasia longa. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 23, 135-139 (1994).
203. Häder, D.-P.: Gravitaxis in the flagellate Euglena gracilis-results from NIZEMI, clinostat and sounding rocket flights. J. Gravit. Physiol. 1, P-82-P-84 (1994).
204. Sebastian, C., Scheuerlein, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Graviperception and motility of three Prorocentrum strains impaired by solar and artificial ultraviolet radiation. Marine Biology 120, 1-7 (1994).
205. Häder, D.-P. and Lebert, M.: Analysis of photoreceptor proteins of microorganisms by gradient gel electrophoresis and other biochemical separation methods. Electrophoresis 15, 1051-1061 (1994).
206. Häder, D.-P.: Real-time tracking of microorganisms. Binary 6, 81-86 (1994).
207. Piazena, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Penetration of solar UV irradiation in coastal lagoons of the Southern Baltic Sea and its effect on phytoplankton communities. Photochem. Photobiol. 60, 463-469 (1994).
208. Häder, D.-P. and Schäfer, J. Photosynthetic oxygen production in macroalgae and phytoplankton under solar irradiation. J. Plant Physiol. 144, 293-299 (1994).
209. Sebastian, C., Scheuerlein, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar and artificial ultraviolet radiation on pigment composition and photosynthesis in three Prorocentrum strains. J. Exp. Marine Biol. Ecol. 182, 251-263 (1994).
210. Häder, D.-P., Worrest, R. C., Kumar, H. D. and Smith, R. C.: Effects of increased solar ultraviolet radiation on aquatic ecosystems. UNEP Environmental Effects Panel Report 65-77 (1994).
210a. Häder, D.-P., Worrest, R. C., Kumar, H. D. and Smith, R. C.: Effects of increased solar ultraviolet radiation on aquatic ecosystems. AMBIO 24, 174-180 (1995) Reprint of UNEP document.
211. Seckmeyer, G., Thiel, S., Blumthaler, M., Fabian, P., Gerber, S., Gugg-Helminger, A., Häder, D.-P., Huber, M., Kettner, C., Köhler, U., Köpke, P., Maier, H., Schäfer, J., Suppan, P., Tamm, E. and Thomalla, E.: Intercomparison of spectral-UV-radiation measurement systems. Appl. Optics 33, 7805-7812 (1994).
212. Häder, D.-P. and Schäfer, J. In-situ measurement of photosynthetic oxygen production in the water column. Environmental Moni and Assessment, 32, 259-268 (1994).
213. Tendel, J. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of ultraviolet radiation on orientation movements of higher plants. J. Photochem. Photobiol., B.: Biology, 27, 67-72 (1995).
214. Gerber, S. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of enhanced solar irradiance on chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic oxygen production of five species of phytoplankton. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 16, 33-42 (1995).
215. Herrmann, H., Ghetti, F., Scheuerlein, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Photosynthetic oxygen and fluorescence measurements in Ulva laetevirens affected by solar irradiation. J. Plant Physiol. 145, 221-227  (1995).
216. Gerber, S. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of artificial and simulated solar radiation on the flagellate Euglena gracilis: physiological, spectroscopical and biochemical investigations. Acta Protozool. 34, 13-20 (1995).
217. Häder, D.-P.: Abbau der Ozonschicht-Einfluß erhöhter solarer ultravioletter Strahlung auf das Phytoplankton. Wetter und Leben 46, 121-135 (1994).
218. Sinha, R.P., Lebert, M., Kumar, A., Kumar, H.D. and Häder, D.-P.: Spectroscopic and biochemical analyses of UV effects of phycobiliproteins of Anabaena sp. and Nostoc carmium. Bot. Acta 108, 87-92 (1995).
219. Donkor, V.A. and Häder, D.-P.: Protective strategies of several cyanobacteria against solar radiation. J. Plant Physiol. 145, 750-755 (1995).
220. Schlenkrich, T., Porst, M. and Häder, D.-P.: A rapid, simple method for the isolation and characterization of the photoreceptor of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae. FEBS Letters 364, 276-278 (1995).
221. Brodhun, B. and Häder, D.-P.: A novel procedure to isolate the chromoproteins in the paraflagellar body of the flagellate Euglena gracilis. J. Photochem. Photobiol., B: Biol. 28, 39-45 (1995).
222. Sinha, R.P., Kumar, H.D., Kumar, A. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV-B irradiation on growth, survival, pigmentation and nitrogen metabolism enzymes in cyanobacteria. Acta Protozool. 34, 187-192 (1995).
223. Häder, D.-P.: Influence of ultraviolet radiation on phytoplankton ecosystems. In: Wiessner, W., Schnepf, E. and Starr, R.C. (eds.) Algae, environment and human affairs. Biopress Limited, Bristol, pp. 41-55 (1995).
224. Häder, D.-P.: Photo-ecology and environmental photobiology. In: Horspool, W. M. and Song, P.-S. (eds.): CRC handbook of organic photochemistry and photobiology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, New York, London, Tokyo, pp. 1392-1401 (1995).
225. Häder, D.-P., Rosum, A., Schäfer, J. and Hemmersbach, R.: Gravitaxis in the flagellate Euglena gracilis is controlled by an active gravireceptor. J. Plant Physiol. 146, 474-480 (1995).
226. Herrmann, H., Häder, D.-P., Köfferlein, M., Seidlitz, H.K. and Ghetti, F.: Study on the effects of UV radiation on phytoplankton photosynthetic efficiency by means of a sunlight simulator. Med. Biol. Environ. 23, 36-40 (1995).
227. Sinha, R.P., Lebert, M., Kumar, A., Kumar, H.D. and Häder, D.-P.: Disintegration of phycobilisomes in a rice field cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. following UV irradiation. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Internat. 37, 697-706 (1995).
228. Schlenkrich, T., Fleischmann, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Biochemical and spectroscopic characterization of the putative photoreceptor for phototaxis in amoebae of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 30, 139-143 (1995).
229. Häder, D.-P.: Novel method to determine vertical distributions of phytoplankton in marine water columns. Env. Exp. Bot. 35, 547-555 (1995).
230. Lebert, M., Porst, M. and Häder, D.-P: Long-term culture of  Euglena gracilis: An AQUARACK progress report. In Bräucker, R. (ed.): Proceedings of the C.E.B.A.S Workshops Annual Issue, 223-231 (1995).
231. Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar UV-B irradiation on aquatic ecosystems-an overview. In: Bauer, H. and Nolan, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the first European symposium on The effects of environmental UV-B radiation on health and ecosystems. EUR 15607, 297-303 (1995).
232. Gerber, S. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of enhanced natural UV-B irradiation on motility and pigmentation of three species of phytoplankton. In: Bauer, H. and Nolan, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the first European symposium on The effects of environmental UV-B radiation on health and ecosystems. EUR 15607, 313-317 (1995).
233. Donkor, V.A., Amewowor, D.H.A.K. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of tropical solar radiation on the motility of filamentous cyanobacteria. In: Bauer, H. and Nolan, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the first European symposium on The effects of environmental UV-B radiation on health and ecosystems. EUR 15607,  329-330 (1995).
234. Brodhun, B. and Häder, D.-P.: UV-induced damage of photoreceptor pigments and proteins in the paraflagellar body of the flagellate Euglena gracilis. In: Bauer, H. and Nolan, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the first European symposium on The effects of environmental UV-B radiation on health and ecosystems. EUR 15607,  331-332 (1995).
235. Herrmann, H., Ghetti, F., Lucia, S. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV-B radiation on photosynthetic efficiency of motile phytoplankton. In: Bauer, H. and Nolan, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the first European symposium on The effects of environmental UV-B radiation on health and ecosystems. EUR 15607, 333-336 (1995).
236. Scheuerlein, R., Thar, B., Treml, S., Tirlapur, U.K. and Häder, D.-P.: UV-B induced DNA fragmentation in phytoplankton is mediated by an influx of Ca 2+  and activation of Ca 2+  /  Mg 2  -dependent nucleases. In: Bauer, H. and Nolan, C. (eds.) Proceedings of the first European symposium on The effects of environmental UV-B radiation on health and ecosystems. EUR 15607, 349-350 (1995).
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237.  Piazena, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Vertical distribution of phytoplankton in coastal waters and its detection by backscattering measurements. Photochem. Photobiol. 62, 1027-1034 (1995).
238.  Häder, D.-P., Herrmann, H. and Santas, R.: Effects of solar radiation and solar radiation deprived of UV-B and total UV on photosynthetic oxygen production and pulse amplitude modulated fluorescence in the brown alga Padina pavonia. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 19, 53-61 (1996).
239.  Häder, D.-P.: Ozonschicht-UV-Strahlung-Gefahr für das Leben. MNU 49, 104-110 (1996).
240.  Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: How Euglena tells up from down. Nature 379, 590 (1996).
241.  Scheuerlein, R., Treml, S., Thar, B., Tirlapur, U.K. and Häder, D.-P.: Evidence for UV-B-induced DNA degradation in Euglena gracilis mediated by activation of metal-dependent nucleases. J. Photochem. Photobiol., B: Biol. 31, 113-123 (1995).
242.  Sinha, R.P., Singh, N., Kumar, A., Kumar, H.D., Häder, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV irradiation on certain physiological and biochemical processes in cyanobacteria. J. Photochem. Photobiol., B: Biol. 32, 107-113 (1996).
243.  Kumar, A., Sinha, R.P., and Häder, D.-P.: Effect of UV-B on enzymes of nitrogen metabolism in the cyanobacterium Nostoc calcicola. J. Plant Physiol. 148, 86-91 (1996).
244.  Häder, D.-P.: Echtzeit-Bildverarbeitung für Bahnverfolgung und Zellerkennung. Informationstechnik und Biotechnologie 4.März 1996, Bonn. Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Bonn. pp. 81-94.
245.  Lebert, M., Schlenkrich, T. and Häder, D.-P.: Biochemical analysis of photoreceptor proteins in micro-organisms. In: Møller, I. M. and Brodelius, P. (eds.) Plant Membrane Biology. Claredon Press, Oxford, pp. 69-76 (1996).
246.  Sinha, R.P., and Häder, D.-P.: Response of a rice field cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. to physiological stressors. Env. Exp. Bot. 36, 147-155 (1996).
247.  Gerber, S., Biggs, A. and Häder, D.-P.: A polychromatic action spectrum for the inhibition of motility in the flagellate Euglena gracilis. Acta Protozool. 35, 161-165 (1996).
248.  Häder, D.-P.: UV-Belastung und Ozonproblematik. BIUZ 26, 206-207 (1996).
249.  Häder, D.-P.: Aquatische Ökosysteme und globale Klimaänderungen. BIUZ 26, 215-221 (1996).
250.  Häder, D.-P.: Effects of enhanced solar UV-B radiation on phytoplankton. In: F.L. Figueroa, C. Jiménez, J.L. Pérez-Lloréns and F.X. Niell (eds.): Underwater Light and Algal Photobiology. Sci. Mar. 60 Suppl. 1, 59-63 (1996).
251.  Björn, L.O., Cunningham, A. Dubinsky, Z., Estrada, M., Figueroa, F.L., Garcia-Pichel, F. Häder, D.-P., Hanelt, D., Levavasseur, G. and Lüning, K.: Technical discussion I: Underwater light measurements and light absorption by algae. In: F.L. Figueroa, C. Jiménez, J.L. Pérez-Lloréns and F.X. Niell (eds.): Underwater Light and Algal Photobiology. Sci. Mar. 60 Suppl. 1, 59-63 (1996).
252.  Herrmann, H., Häder, D.-P., Köfferlein, M., Seidlitz, H.K. and Ghetti, F.: Effects of UV radiation on photosynthesis of phytoplankton exposed to solar simulator light. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 34, 21-28 (1996).
253.  Häder, D.-P., Herrmann, H., Schäfer, J. and Santas, R.: Photosynthetic fluorescence induction and oxygen production in corallinacean algae measured on site. Bot. Acta 109, 285-291 (1996).
254.  Kumar, A., Tyagi, M.B., Srinivas, G., Singh, N., Kumar, H.D., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: UVB shielding role of FeCl 3  and certain cyanobacterial pigments. Photochem. Photobiol. 64, 321-325 (1996).
255.  Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV radiation on aquatic ecosystems. In: Hagen, U., Harder, D., Jung, H. and Streffer, C.: Radiation Research 185-195, Congress Proceedings. Vol. 2: Congress Lectures. Tenth Intern. Congress of Radiation Research, Würzburg, Germany. Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1995, pp. 1053-1056.
256.  Santas, R., Häder, D.-P. and Lianou, C.: Effects of solar UV radiation on diatom assemblages of the Mediterranean. Photochem. Photobiol. 64, 435-439 (1996).
257.  Coohill, T.P., Häder, D.-P. and Mitchell, D.L.: Environmental ultraviolet photobiology. Introduction. Photochem. Photobiol. 64, 401-402 (1996).
258.  Häder, D.-P., Porst, M., Herrmann, H., Schäfer, J. and Santas, R.: Photoinhibition in the Mediterranean green alga Halimeda tuna Ellis et Sol measured in situ. Photochem. Photobiol., 64, 428-434 (1996).
259.  Banerjee, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV radiation on the rice field cyanobacterium, Aulosira fertilissima. Env. Exp. Bot 36, 281-291 (1996).
260.  Häder, D.-P.: Mechanism of photoreception: energy and signal transducers. In: Jennings, R.C., Zucchelli, G., Ghetti, F. and Colombetti, F. (eds.) Light as an Energy source and Information Carrier in Plant Physiology. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1996, pp. 185-195.
261.  Häder, D.-P.: Light penetration and effects on aquatic ecosystems. In: Jennings, R.C., Zucchelli, G., Ghetti, F. and Colombetti, F. (eds.) Light as an Energy source and Information Carrier in Plant Physiology. Plenum Press, New York and London, 1996, pp. 231-242.
262.  Häder, D.-P., Rosum, A., Schäfer, J. and Hemmersbach, R.: Graviperception in the flagellate Euglena gracilis during a shuttle space flight. J. Biotechnol. 47, 261-269 (1996).
263.  Häder, D.-P.: NIZEMI-Experiments on the slow rotating centrifuge microscope during the IML-2 mission. J. Biotechnol. 47, 223-224 (1996).
264.  Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar radiation local and German wheat seedlings in a Chilean high mountain station. J. Photochem. Photobiol., B: Biol. 35, 181-187 (1996).
265.  Häder, D.-P.: Effects of enhanced solar UV-B radiation on aquatic ecosystems. Biologi Italiani XXVI, 18-21 (1996).
266.  Hemmersbach, R., Voormanns, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Graviresponses in Paramecium biaurelia under different accelerations: studies on the ground and in space. J. Exp. Biol. 190, 2199-2205 (1996).
267.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Photobiology and ecophysiology of rice field cyanobacteria. Photochem. Photobiol. 64 (1996) 887-896.
268.  Lebert, M., Richter, P., Porst, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Mechanism of gravitaxis in the flagellate Euglena gracilis. Proceedings of the C.E.B.A.S. Workshop, 225-234 (1996).
269.  Porst, M., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Long-term culture of Euglena gracilis and Aquarack progress report. Proceedings of the C.E.B.A.S. Workshop, 217-223 (1996).
270.  Jiménez, C., Figueroa, F.L., Aguilera, J. Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Phototaxis and gravitaxis in Dunaliella bardawil: Influence of UV radiation. Acta Protozool. 35, 287-295 (1996).
271.   Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M., Mercado, J., Aguilera, J., Salles, S., Flores-Moya, A., Jiménez, C. and Figueroa, F.L.: Photosynthetic oxygen production and PAM fluorescence in the brown alga Padina pavonica (Linnaneus) Lamouroux measured in the field under solar radiation. Mar. Biol. 127, 61-66 (1996).
272.   Häder, D.-P., Porst, M., Herrmann, H., Schäfer, J. and Santas, R.: Photosynthesis of the Mediterranean green alga Caulerpa prolifera measured in the field under solar irradiation. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 37, 66-73 (1997).
273.   Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of hypergravity on the photosynthetic flagellate, Euglena gracilis. J. Plant Physiol. 150, 153-159 (1997).
274.   Sinha, R.P., Singh, N., Kumar, A., Kumar, H.D. and Häder, D.-P.: Impacts of ultraviolet-B irradiation on nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria of rice paddy fields. J. Plant Physiol. 150, 188-193 (1997).
275.   Herrmann, H., Häder, D.-P. and Ghetti, F.: Inhibition of photosynthesis by solar radiation in Dunaliella salina: relative efficiencies of UV-B, UV-A and PAR. Plant, Cell Environm. 20, 359-365 (1997).
276.   Häder, D.-P.: Penetration and effects of solar UV-B on phytoplankton and macroalgae. Plant Ecology 128, 4-13 (1997).
277.   Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M., Flores-Moya, A., Jiménez, C., Mercado, J., Salles, S., Aguilera, J. and Figueroa, F.L.: Effects of solar radiation on the photosynthetic activity of the red alga Corallina elongata Ellis et Soland. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 37, 196-202 (1997).
278.  Santas, R., Koussoulaki, A. and Häder, D.: In assessing biological UV-B effects, natural fluctuations of solar radiation should be taken into account. Plant Ecol. 128, 93-97 /1997).
279.  Häder, D.-P.: Gravitaxis in flagellates. Biol. Bull. 192, 131-133 (1997).
280.  Donkor, V.A. and Häder, D.-P.: Ultraviolet radiation effects on pigmentation in the cyanobacterium Phormidium uncinatum. Acta Protozool. 36, 49-55 (1997).
281.  Hemmersbach, R., Voormanns, R., Briegleb, W., Rieder, N. and Häder, D.-P.: Influence of accelerations on the spatial orientation of Loxodes and Paramecium. J. Biotechn. 47, 271-278 (1996).
Häder, D.-P.: Stratospheric ozone depletion and increase in ultraviolet radiation. In: Häder, D.-P.: The Effects of Ozone Depletion on Aquatic Ecosystems. Ch. 1. Environmental Intelligence Unit, Academic Press and R.G. Landes Comp., Austin, pp. 1-4 (1997).
Häder, D.-P. and Worrest, R.C.: Consequences of the effects of increased solar ultraviolet radiation on aquatic ecosystems. In: Häder, D.-P.: The Effects of Ozone Depletion on Aquatic Ecosystems. Ch. 3. Environmental Intelligence Unit, Academic Press and R.G. Landes Comp., Austin, pp. 11-30 (1997).
Piazena, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Penetration of solar UV and PAR into different waters of the Baltic Sea and remote sensing of phytoplankton. In: Häder, D.-P.: The Effects of Ozone Depletion on Aquatic Ecosystems. Ch. 5. Environmental Intelligence Unit, Academic Press and R.G. Landes Comp., Austin, pp. 45-96 (1997).
Häder, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Optical properties and phytoplankton composition in a freshwater ecosystem (Main-Donau-Canal). In: Häder, D.-P.: The Effects of Ozone Depletion on Aquatic Ecosystems. Ch. 9. Environmental Intelligence Unit, Academic Press and R.G. Landes Comp., Austin, pp. 155-174 (1997).
Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Impacts of UV-B irradiation on rice-field cyanobacteria. In: Häder, D.-P.: The Effects of Ozone Depletion on Aquatic Ecosystems. Ch. 9. Environmental Intelligence Unit, Academic Press and R.G. Landes Comp., Austin, pp. 189-198 (1997).
287.  Häder, D.-P.: Impact on marine ecosystems. In: Zerefos, C.S. and Bais, A.F. (eds.) Solar Ultraviolet Radiation. Modelling, Measurements and Effects. NATO ASI Series, Vol. I 52. Springer Verlag. Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 209-231 (1997).
288.  Santas, R., Koussoulaki, A. and Häder, D.-P.: In assessing biological UV-B effects, natural fluctuations of solar radiation should be taken into account. In: Rozema, J., Gieskes, W.W.C., van de Geijn, S.C., Nolan, C. and de Boois, H.: UV-B and Biosphere. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston and London, pp. 93-97 (1997).
289.  Häder, D.-P.: Gravitaxis and phototaxis in the flagellate Euglena studied on TEXUS missions. In: Cogoli, A., Friedrich, U., Mesland, D. and Demets, R.: Life science experiments performed on sounding rockets (1985 – 1994). ESA Publications Division, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pp. 77-79 (1997).
290.  Häder, D.-P., Herrmann, H., Schäfer, J. and Santas, R.: Photosynthetic fluorescence induction and oxygen production in two Mediterranean Cladophora species measured on site. Aquatic Botany 56, 253-264 (1997).
291.  Hill, N.A. and Häder, D.-P.: A biased random walk model for the trajectories of swimming microorganisms. J. Theor. Biol. 186, 503-526 (1997).
Booth, C.R., Morrow, J.H., Coohill, T.P., Frederick, J.E., Häder, D.-P., Holm-Hansen, O., Jeffrey, W.H., Mitchell, D.L., Neale, P.J., Sobolev, I., van der Leun, J. and Worrest, R.C.: Impacts of solar UVR on aquatic microorganisms. Photochem. Photobiol. 65, 252-269 (1997).
Donkor, V.A. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of ultraviolet irradiation on photosynthetic pigments in some filamentous cyanobacteria. Aquatic Microb. Ecol. 11, 143-149 (1996).
Lebert, M., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Signal perception and transduction of gravitaxis in the flagellate Euglena gracilis. J. Plant Physiol. 150, 685-690 (1997).
295.  Häder, D.-P. and Figueroa, F.L.: Photoecophysiology of marine macroalgae. Photochem. Photobiol. 66, 1-14 (1997).
296.  Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar UV-B radiation on aquatic ecosystems. In Lumsden, P. J. (ed.) Plants and UV-B. Responses to environmental change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 171-193 (1997).
297.  Figueroa, F.L., Jiménez, C., Lubián, L.M., Montero, O., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of high irradiance and temperature on photosynthesis and photoinhibition in Nannochloropsis gaditana Lubián (Eustigmatophyceae). J. Plant Phys. 151, 6-15 (1997).
298.  Porst, M., Herrmann, H., Schäfer, J., Santas, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Photoinhibition in the Mediterranean green alga Acetabularia mediterranea measured in the field under solar irradiation. J. Plant Phys. 151, 25-32 (1997).
299.  Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Behavioral mutants of Euglena gracilis: functional and spectroscopic characterization. J. Plant Physiol. 151, 188-195 (1997).
300.  Häder, D.-P. and Hemmersbach, R.: Graviperception and graviorientation in flagellates. Planta 203, S7-S10 (1997).
301.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M., Tahedl, H. and Richter, P.: The Erlanger flagellate test (EFT): photosynthetic flagellates in biological dosimeters. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 40, 23-28 (1997).
302.  Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV radiation on phytoplankton. In: J.G. Jones: Advances in Microbial Ecology. Vol. 15. Plenum Press, New York, London, 1-26 (1997).
303.  Häder, D.-P.: Oben oder unten – Schwerkraftperzeption bei dem einzelligen Flagellaten Euglena gracilis. Mikrokosmos 86, 351-356 (1997).
Aráoz, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Ultraviolet radiation induces both degradation and synthesis of phycobilisomes in Nostoc sp.: a spectroscopic and biochemical approach. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 23, 301-313 (1997).
305.  Häder, D.-P., Porst, M., Tahedl, H., Richter, P. and Lebert, M.: Gravitactic orientation in the flagellate Euglena gracilis. Micrograv. Sci. Technol. 10,53-57 (1997).
306.  Häder, D.-P.: Orientierung im Licht: Phototaxis bei Euglena gracilis. Mikrokosmos 87, 3-11 (1998).
307.  Figueroa, F.L., Mercado, J., Jiménez, C., Salles, S., Aguilera, J., Sánches-Saavedra, M.P., Lebert, M., Häder, D.-P., Montero, O. and Lubián, L.: Relationship between bio-optical characteristics and photoinhibition of phytoplankton. Aquatic Botany 59, 237-251 (1997).
Aráoz, R., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Electrophoretic applications of phycobiliproteins. Electrophoresis 19, 215-219 (1998).
Schlenkrich, T., Häder, D.-P. and Lebert, M.: Light-induced, reversible modifications of the putative photoreceptor protein of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae. Proceedings of the First Internet Conference on Photochemistry and Photobiology (1998). Reviewed publication. Internet address: http://www.photobiology.com/v1/lebert1/index.htm
Häder, D.-P.: Preface to COSPAR volume. Adv. Space Res. 21, 1241-1242 (1998).
Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and Richter, P.: Gravitaxis and graviperception in Euglena gracilis. Adv. Space Res. 21, 1277-1284 (1998).
Vaishampayan, A., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Use of genetically improved nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in rice paddy fields: prospects as a source material for engineering herbicide sensitivity and resistance in plants. Botanica Acta 111, 176-190 (1998).
Jiménez, C., Figueroa, F.L., Salles, S., Aguilera, J., Mercado, J., Viñegla, B., Flores-Moya, A., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar radiation on photosynthesis and photoinhibition in red macrophytes from an intertidal system of Southern Spain. Botanica Marina 41, 329-338 (1998).
Koussoulaki, K., Danielidis, D., Häder, D.-P. and Santas, R.: Assessment of Euglena gracilis as a biological dosimeter for solar UVA and UVB under field conditions. Proceedings of the First Internet Conference on Photochemistry and Photobiology (1998). Reviewed publication. http://www.photobiology.com/v1/santas3/euglen.htm (1997).
Aráoz, R., Häder, D.-P. and Huss, V.A.R: DNA Sequence and secondary structure of the small subunit rRNA (Accession No. Y14950) from the green alga Chlorella spec. Yanaqocha RA1 (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) (PGR98-059). Plant Physiol. 116, 1604 (1998).
Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M., Figueroa, F.L., Jiménez, C., Viñegla, B. and Perez-Rodriguez, E.: Photoinhibition in Mediterranean macroalgae by solar radiation measured on site by PAM fluorescence. Aquatic Bot. 61, 225-236 (1998).
Porst, M., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Long-term cultivation of the flagellate Euglena gracilis. Microgravity Sci. Technol. 10, 166-169 (1998).
Banerjee, M., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Biochemical and spectroscopic changes in phycobiliproteins of the cyanobacterium, Aulosira fertilissima, induced by UV-B radiation. Acta Protozool. 37, 145-148 (1998).
Häder, D.-P. and Lebert, M.: The photoreceptor for phototaxis in the photosynthetic flagellate Euglena gracilis.  Photochem. Photobiol. 68, 260-265 (1998).
Häder, D.-P.: Are seaweeds affected by solar UV? In: Hönigsmann, H., Knobler, R. M., Trautinger, F. and Jori, G. (eds.): Landmarks in Photobiology. Proceedings of the 12 th International Congress on Photobiology. OEMF, Milano, 31-33 (1998).
Aráoz, R., Shelton, M., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Differential behaviour of two cyanobacterium species to UV radiation. Artificial UV radiation induces phycoerythrin synthesis. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 44, 175-183 (1998).
Häder, D.-P.: Mechanism of gravitactic signal perception and signal transduction of Euglena gracilis. Microgravity News. ESA 11(2), 14 (1998).
Häder, D.-P., Porst, M. and Santas, R.: Photoinhibition by solar radiation in the Mediterranean alga Peyssonnelia squamata measured on site. Plant Ecology 139, 167-175 (1998).
324.  Häder, D.-P., Worrest, R. C., Kumar, H. D. and Smith, R. C.: Effects on aquatic ecosystems. UNEP Environmental Effects Panel Report 86-112 (1998).
324a. Häder, D.-P., Worrest, R. C., Kumar, H. D. and Smith, R. C.: Effects on aquatic ecosystems. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biology 46, 53-68 (1998) Reprint of UNEP document.
325.  Tahedl, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Fast examination of water quality using the automatic biotest based on the movement behavior of a freshwater flagellate. Water Research 33, 426-432 (1999).
326. Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of ultraviolet-B radiation in three rice-field cyanobacteria. J. Plant Physiol. 153, 763-769 (1998).
327. Sinha, R.P., Vaishampayan, A. and Häder, D.-P.: Plant-cyanobacterial symbiotic somaclones as a potential bionitrogen-fertilizer for paddy agriculture: biotechnological         approaches. Microbiol. Res. 153, 297-307 (1998).
Richter, P., Krywult, M., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Calcium signals from heterocysts of Anabaena sp. after UV irradiation. J. Plant Phys. 154, 137-139 (1999).
Sinha, R.P., Krywult, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of ultraviolet, monochromatic and PAR waveband on nitrate reductase activity and pigmentation in a rice field cyanobacterium, Anabaena sp. Acta Hydrobiol. 40, 105-112 (1998).
Häder, D.-P.: Ozone depletion and solar UV-B radiation. In: Nolan, C.V. and Häder, D.-P. (eds.): Role of Solar UV-B Radiation on Ecosystems. European Commission, Directorate-General Science, Research and Development, Brussels, 1998, p. 3-6.
Hemmersbach, R., Volkmann, D. and Häder, D.-P.: Graviorientation in protists and plants. J. Plant Physiol. 154, 1-15 (1999).
Sinha, R.P., Klisch, M., Gröniger, A and Häder, D.-P.: Ultraviolet-absorbing/screening substances in cyanobacteria, phytoplankton and macroalgae. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 47, 83-94 (1998).
Araoz, R., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Translation activity under ultraviolet radiation and temperature stress in the cyanobacterium Nostoc. sp. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 47, 115-120 (1998).
Horneck, G., Wynn-Williams, D.D., Mancinelli, R.L., Cadet, J., Munakata, N., Rontó, G., Edwards, H.G.M., Hock, B., Wänke, H., Reitz, G., Dachev, T., Häder, D.-P. and Brioullet, C.: Biological experiments on the Expose facility of the international space station. Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on the Utilisation of the International Space Station, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 16.-18. 11. 1998. ESA SP-433, 459-468 (1999).
Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Aquarack: long term growth facility for ‘professional’ gravisensing cells. Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on the Utilisation of the International Space Station, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 16.-18. 11. 1998. ESA SP-433, 533-537 (1999).
Aguilera, J., Jiménez, C., Figueroa, F.L., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effect of ultraviolet radiation on the thallus absorption and photosynthetic pigments in the red alga Porphyra umbilicalis. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 48, 75-82 (1999).
Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar UV radiation on aquatic ecosystems. In: Baumstark-Khan, C. et al. (eds.): Fundamentals for the Assessment of Risks for Environmental Radiation, 457 – 461. Kluwer Academic Publ, The Netherlands (1999).
Ghetti, F., Herrmann, H., Häder, D.-P. and Seidlitz, H.K.: Spectral dependence of the inhibition of photosynthesis under simulated global radiation in the unicellular green alga Dunaliella salina. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 48, 166-173 (1999)
Selbach, M., Häder, D.-P. and Kuhlmann, H.-W.: Phototaxis in Chlamydodon mnemosyne: determination of the illuminance-response curve and the action spectrum. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 49, 35-40 (1999).
Vaishampayan, A., Dey, T., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Successful rice cultivation with genetically manipulated thermo-tolerant Azolla as a bio-N fertilizer. Acta Hydrobiol. 40, 207 – 213 (1998).
Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M., Jiménez, C., Salles, S., Aguilera, J., Flores-Moya, A., Mercado, J., Viñegla, B. and Figueroa, F.L.: Pulse amplitude modulated fluorescence in the green macrophytes, Codium adherens, Enteromorpha muscoides, Ulva gigantea and Ulva rigida, from the Atlantic coast of Southern Spain. Env. Exp. Bot. 41, 247-255 (1999).
Aráoz, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Phycoerythrin synthesis is induced by solar UV-B in the cyanobacterium Nostoc. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 37, 223-229 (1999).
Hemmersbach, R. and Häder, D.-P: Graviresponses of certain ciliates and flagellates. FASEB J. 13 (Suppl., S69 – S75 (1999).
Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Phycobilisomes and environmental stress. In: B. N. Verma, A. N. Kargupta and S. K. Goyal (eds.): Advances in Phycology. APC Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, pp. 71-80 (1998).
Tahedl, H., Richter, P., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: cAMP is involved in gravitaxis signal transduction of Euglena gracilis. Micrograv. Sci. Techn. 11, 173 – 178 (1998).
Tahedl, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Vollautomatische Überprüfung der Wasserqualität durch Bewegungsanalyse eines Einzellers. GIT Labor-Fachzeitschr. 43 (9), 898-902 (1999).
Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar UV-B radiation on aquatic ecosystems. Verhandlungen der Ges. für Ökologie. 29, 463-471 (1998).
Lebert, M., Porst, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Circadian rhythm of gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis. J. Plant Physiol. 155, 344-349 (1999).
Lebert, M., Porst, M., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Physical characterization of gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis. J. Plant Physiol. 155, 344-349 (1999).
Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Image analysis: A versatile tool for numerous applications. GIT Laboratory Journal, Special Edition Bioforum International. Imaging Microscopy. 1/99, 5-6 (1999).
Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and Richter, P.: Gravitaxis and graviperception in flagellates and ciliates. Proceedings 14 th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Potsdam, Germany, 31 May – 3 June 1999, (ESA SP-437, Sept. 1999), pp. 479-486 (1999).
Sinha, R.P., Klisch, M., Vaishampayan, A. and Häder, D.-P.: Biochemical and spectroscopic characterization of the cyanobacterium Lyngbya sp. inhabiting mango (Mangifera indica) trees: presence of an ultraviolet-absorbing pigment, scytonemin. Acta Protozool. 38, 291-298 (1999).
Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Negative gravitactic behavior of Euglena gracilis can not be described by the mechanism of buoyancy-oriented upward swimming. Adv. Space Res. 24, 851-860 (1999).
Häder, D.-P.: Gravitaxis in unicellular microorganisms. Adv. Space Res. 24, 843-850 (1999).
355.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M., Marangoni, R. and Colombetti, G.: ELDONET – European light dosimeter network hardware and software. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 52, 51-58 (1999).
356.  Sinha, R.P., Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Induction of a mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA) in the rice-field cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. by UV irradiation. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 52, 59-64 (1999).
357.  Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Einsatz von Bildverarbeitungssoftware in der Augenheilkunde. Symposium: Erste Chancen für den Technologietransfer aus der Raumfahrt. 16. – 17.9.1999, Bonn, 83-87 (1999).
358.  Sinha, R.P., Klisch, M., Gröniger, A. and Häder, D.-P.: Mycosporine-like amino acids in the marine red alga Gracilaria cornea – effects of UV and heat. Env. Exp. Bot. 43, 33-43 (2000).
359.  Santas, R., Lianou, C. and Danielides, D.: UV-B radiation and depth interaction during primary succession of marine diatom assemblages of Greece. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42, 986-991 (1997).
360.  Santas, R., Santas, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Is crude oil bioremediation affected by changes in ambient ultraviolet radiation? Mar. Poll. Bull. 38, 1022-1025 (1999).
361.  Reizopoulou, S., Santas, Ph., Danielidis, D., Häder, D. -P. and Santas, R.: UV effects on invertebrate and diatom assemblages of Greece. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B:Biol. 56, 172-180 (2000).
362.  Santas, R., Danielidis, D., Koussoulaki, K., Porst, M., Santas, P. and Häder, D.-P.: The role of solar UV on the development of macroalgal assemblages of Greece. 2nd Internet Conference on Photochemistry and Photobiology.
www.photobiology.com And J. Photochem. Photobiol. B:Biol.
363.  Häder, D.-P., Gröniger, A., Hallier, C., Lebert, M., Figueroa, F.L. and Jiménez, C.: Photoinhibition by visible and ultraviolet radiation in the red macroalga Porphyra umbilicalis grown in the laboratory. Plant Ecology 145 (1999) 351-358.
364.  Gröniger, A., Hallier, C. and Häder, D.-P.: Influence of UV radiation and visible light on Porphyra umbilicalis: Photoinhibition and MAA concentration. J. Appl. Phycol. 11, 437-445 (1999).
365.  Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar radiation on phytoplankton. Recent Res. Devel. Photochem. Photobiol. 3, 113-121 (1999).
366.  Sinha, R.P., Singh, S.C. and Häder, D.-P.: Photoecophysiology of cyanobacteria. Recent Res. Devel. Photochem. Photobiol. 3, 91-101 (1999).
367.  Aráoz, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Enzymatic antioxidant activity in two cyanobacteria species exposed to solar radiation. Recent Res. Devel. Photochem. Photobiol. 3, 123-132 (1999).
368.  Häder, D.-P.: Effekte erhöhter UV-Strahlung auf Primärproduzenten. In: Guderian, R. and Gunkel, G. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Umweltveränderungen und Ökotoxikologie, Band 3A Aquatische Systeme. Springer, Berlin, pp. 230-242 (2000).
369.  Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar UV-B radiation on aquatic ecosystems. In: Rettberg, P., Horneck, G., Baumstark-Khan, C. and Amanatidis, G.T.: Air Pollution Research Report 71: Biological UV dosimetry, a tool for assessing the impact of UV radiation on health and ecosystems. European Commission ISBN 92-828-7820-1, Brussels, pp. 57-67 (2000)
370.  Gröniger, A. and Häder, D.-P.: Photoecology of macroalgae. Recent Res. Devel. Photochem. Photobiol. 3, 165-173 (1999).
371.  Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Mycosporine-like amino acids in the marine dinoflagellate Gyrodinium dorsum: induction by ultraviolet irradiation. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 55, 178-182 (2000).
372.  Vaishampayan, A., Sinha, R.P., Gupta, A.K. and Häder, D.-P.: A cyanobacterial mutant resistant against a bleaching herbicide. J. Basic Microbiol. 40, 279-288 (2000).
373.  Häder, D.-P.: Introduction. In: Häder, D.-P. (ed.): Image Analysis: Methods and Applications. pp. 3-5. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2000).
374.  Häder, D.-P.: Image analysis in biochemistry. In: Häder, D.-P. (ed.): Image Analysis: Methods and Applications. pp. 139-155. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2000).
375.  Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Calcium imaging in living cells. In: Häder, D.-P. (ed.): Image Analysis: Methods and Applications. pp. 373-389. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2000).
376.  Häder, D.-P. and Lebert, M.: Real-time tracking of microorganisms. In: Häder, D.-P. (ed.): Image Analysis: Methods and Applications. pp. 393-422. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2000).
377.  Tahedl, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Use of image analysis in ecotoxicology. In: Häder, D.-P. (ed.): Image Analysis: Methods and Applications. pp. 447-458. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2000).
378.  Sineshchekov, O, Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of light on gravitaxis and velocity in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. J. Plant Physiol. 157, 247-254 (2000).
379.  Govorunova, E.G., Altschuler, I.M., Häder, D.-P. and Sineshchekov, O.A.: A novel express bioassay for detecting toxic substances in water by recording rhodopsin-mediated photoelectric responses in Chlamydomonas cell suspensions. Photochem. Photobiol. 72, 320-326 (2000).
380.  Vaishampayan, A., Sinha, R.P., Gupta, A.K. and Häder, D.-P.: A cyanobacterial recombination study, involving an efficient N
2-fixing non-heterocystous partner. Microbiol. Res. 155, 137 – 141 (2000).
381.  Ermilova, E.V., Zalutskaya, Z.M., Gromov, B.V. and Häder, D.-P.: Isolation and characterisation of chemotactic mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii obtained by insertional mutagenesis. Protist 151, 127-137 (2000).
382.  Häder, D.-P.: Graviperzeption in Pflanzen und Mikroorganismen. In: Keller, M.H. and Sahm, P.R.: Bilanzsymposium Forschung unter Weltraumbedingungen. 21.-23. Sept. 1998, Norderney, Wissenschaftliche Projektführung RWTH Aachen, pp. 633-641 (2000).
383.  Häder, D.-P., Porst, M. and Lebert, M.: On site photosynthetic performance of Atlantic green algae. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 57, 159 – 168 (2000).
384.  Häder, D.-P., Porst, M. and Lebert, M.: Photosynthetic performance of the Atlantic brown macroalgae, Cystoseira abies-marina, Dictyota dichotoma and Sargassum vulgare, measured in Gran Canaria on site. Env. Exp. Bot. 45, 21-32 (2001).
385.  Richter, P., Lebert, M., Korn, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Possible involvement of the membrane potential in the gravitactic orientation of Euglena gracilis. J. Plant Physiol. 158, 35-39 (2001).
386.  Gröniger, A., Sinha, R.P., Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Photoprotective compounds in cyanobacteria, phytoplankton and macroalgae – a database. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B. Biol. 58, 115-122 (2000).
387.  Marangoni, R., Barsella, D., Gioffré, D., Colombetti, G., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: ELDONET – European light dosimeter network. Structure and function of the ELDONET server. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B. Biol. 58, 178-184 (2000).
388.  Tahedl, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Automated biomonitoring using real time movement analysis of Euglena gracilis. Ecotoxicol. Environment. Safety 48, 161-169 (2001).
389.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV-B radiation on cyanobacteria. Recent Res. Devel. Photochem. Photobiol. 4, 239-246 (2000).
390.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M., Colombetti, G. and Figueroa, F.: European light dosimeter network (ELDONET): 1998 data. Helgoland Marine Research 55, 35-44 (2001).
391.  Häder, D.-P., Porst, M. and Lebert, M.: Photoinhibition in common Atlantic macroalgae measured on site in Gran Canaria. Helgoland Marine Research 55, 67-76 (2001).
392.  Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Factors influencing the synthesis of mycosporine-like amino acids in dinoflagellates. Recent Res. Devel. Photochem. Photobiol. 4, 253-258 (2000).
393.  Gröniger, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Stability of mycosporine-like amino acids. Recent Res. Devel. Photochem. Photobiol. 4, 247-252 (2000).
394.  Sinha, R.P., Sinha, J.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar UV-B radiation on aquatic ecosystems. Recent Res. Devel. Photochem. Photobiol. 4, 95-103 (2000).
395.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and Helbling, E. W.: Photosynthetic performance of the Chlorophyte Ulva rigida measured in Patagonia on site. Recent Res. Devel. Photochem. Photobiol. 4, 259-269 (2000).
396.  Richter, P., Lebert, M., Tahedl, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Calcium is involved in the gravitactic orientation in colorless flagellates. J. Plant Phys. 158, 689-697 (2001).
397.  Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar UV-B radiation on aquatic ecosystems. Adv. Space Res. 26, 2029-2040 (2000).
398.  Häder, D.-P.: Ultraviolet radiation and aquatic microbial ecosystems. In: Cockell, C. and Blaustein, A.R. (eds.) Ecosystems, Evolution, and Ultraviolet Radiation. Springer, New York, pp. 150-169 (2001).
399.  Sinha, R.P., Klisch, M., Helbling, E.W. and Häder, D.-P.: Induction of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in cyanobacteria by solar ultraviolet-B radiation. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 60, 129-135 (2001).
400.  Häder, D.-P. and Lebert, M.: Einzeller als Modelle für das Verständnis der Wirkung der Gravitation auf biologische Systeme. In: H. Rahmann and K. A. Kirsch (eds.) Mensch – Leben – Schwerkraft – Kosmos. Verlag Günter Heimbach, pp. 150-161 (2001).
401.  Richter, P.R., Lebert, M., Tahedl, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Physiological characterization of gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis and Astasia longa studied on sounding rocket flights. Adv. Space Res. 27, 983-988 (2001).
402.  Häder, D.-P. and Lebert, M.: Graviperception and gravitaxis in algae. Adv. Space Res. 27, 861-870 (2001).
403.  Häder, D.-P.: Acclimation to UV stress in algae. In: Rai, L.C. and Gaur, J.P. (eds.) Algal Adaptation to Environmental Stresses. Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular Mechanisms. Springer, Berlin, pp. 173-202 (2001).
404.  Sinha, R.P., Dautz, M. and Häder, D.-P.: A simple and efficient method for the quantitative analysis of thymine dimers in cyanobacteria, phytoplankton and macroalgae. Acta Protozool. 40, 187-195 (2001).
405.  Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Photoperception and phototaxis in flagellated algae. Res. Adv. In Photochem. & Photobiol. 1, 201-226 (2000).
406.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and Helbling, E.W.: Effects of solar radiation on the Patagonian macroalga Enteromorpha linza (L.) J. Agardh – Chlorophyceae. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 62, 43-54 (2001)
407.  Streb, C., Richter, P. Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Gravi-sensing microorganisms as model systems for gravity sensing in eukaryotes. Proc. First European Workshop on Exo-/Astro-Biology. Frascati, 21 – 23 May 2001. ESA SP-496, 251-254 (2001).
408.  Han, T., Sinha, R. P. and Häder, D.-P.: UV-A/blue light-induced reactivation of photosynthesis in UV-B irradiated cyanobacterium, Anabaena sp. J. Plant Physiol. 158, 1403-1413 (2001).
409.  Klisch, M., Sinha, R. P., Richter, P. R. and Häder, D.-P.: Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) protect against UV-B induced damage in Gyrodinium dorsum Kofoid. J. Plant Physiol. 158, 1449-1454 (2001).
Bis hier Sektion Phykologie
410.  Sinha, R.P., Klisch, M., Gröniger, A. and Häder, D.-P.: Responses of aquatic algae and cyanobacteria to solar UV-B. Plant Ecology 154, 221-236 (2001).
Rozema, J., Björn, L.O., Bornman, J.F., Gaberščik, A., Häder, D.-P., Trošt, T., Germ, M., Klisch, M., Gröniger, A., Sinha, R.P., Lebert, M., He, Y.-Y., Buffoni-Hall, R., de Bakker, N.V.J., van de Staaij, J. and Meijkamp, B.B.: The role of UV-B radiation in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems – an experimental and functional analysis of the evolution of UV-absorbing compounds. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 66, 2-12 (2002).
412.  Germ, M., Mazej, Z., Gaberš
čik, A. and Häder, D.-P.: The influence of enhanced UV-B radiation on Batrachium trichophyllum and Potamogeton alpinus – aquatic macrophytes with amphibious character. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 66, 37-46 (2002).
413.  Sinha, R.P., Sinha, J.P., Gröniger, A. and Häder, D.-P.: Polychromatic action spectrum for the induction of a mycosporine-like amino acid in a rice-field cyanobacterium, Anabaena sp. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 66, 47-53 (2002).
414.  Gröniger, A. and Häder, D.-P.: Induction of the synthesis of an UV-absorbing substance in the green alga Prasiola stipitata. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 66, 54-59 (2002).
415.  Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Wavelength dependence of mycosporine-like amino acid synthesis in Gyrodinium dorsum. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 66, 60-66 (2002).
416.  Lebert, M., Schuster, M. and Häder, D.-P.: The European Light Dosimeter Network: four years of measurements. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 66, 81-87 (2002).
417.  He, Y.-Y. and Häder, D.-P.: Involvement of reactive oxygen species in the UV-B damage to the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 66, 73-80 (2002).
418.  Gröniger, A. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV radiation on marine macroalgae. Trends Photochem. Photobiol. 8, 129-136 (2001).
419.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and Helbling, E.W.: Photosynthetic performance of marine macroalgae measured in Patagonia on site. Trends Photochem. Photobiol. 8, 145-152 (2001).
420.  Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV radiation on phytoplankton. Trends Photochem. Photobiol. 8, 137-143 (2001).
421.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Ultraviolet-B radiation effects on cyanobacteria and the role of photoprotective compounds in mitigating UV-B toxicity. Trends Photochem. Photobiol. 8, 117-127 (2001).
422.  Richter, P.R., Schuster, M., Wagner, H., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Physiological parameters of gravitaxis in the flagellate Euglena gracilis obtained during a parabolic flight campaign. J. Plant Physiol. 159, 181-190 (2002).
423.  He, Y.-Y. and Häder, D.-P.: UV-B-induced formation of reactive oxygen species and oxidative damage of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp.: protective effects of ascorbic acid and N-acetyl- l -cysteine. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 66, 115-124 (2002).
424.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: UV-induced DNA damage and repair: a review. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 1, 225-236 (2002).
425.  Figueroa, F. L., Jiménez, C., Vi
ñegla, B., Pérez-Rodríguez, E., Aguilera, J., Flores-Moya, A., Altamirano, M., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar UV radiation on photosynthesis of the marine angiosperm Posidonia oceanica from southern Spain.  Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 230, 59-70 (2002).
426.  Vaishampayan, A., Sinha, R.P., Häder, D.-P., Dey, T., Gupta, A.K., Bhan, U. and Rao, A.L.: Cyanobacterial biofertilizers in rice agriculture. Bot. Rev. 67, 453-516 (2001).
427.  Piazena, H., Perez-Rodrigues, E., Häder, D.-P. and Lopez-Figueroa, F.: Penetration of solar radiation into the water column of the central subtropical Atlantic Ocean – optical properties and possible biological consequences. Deep-Sea Res. II 49, 3513-3528 (2002).
428.  Häder, D.-P.: Globale Klimaänderung und lokale Auswirkungen. In: Verein für Ökologie und Umweltforschung (ed.) Großräumiger Umweltschutz. Schriftenreihe für Ökologie und Ethologie 28, pp. 19-32. Facultas Universitätsverlag, Wien (2002).
429.  Sinha, R.P., Richter, P., Faddoul, J., Braun, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV and visible light on cyanobacteria at the cellular level. PPS 2, 553-559 (2002).
430.  Streb, C., Richter, P., Ntefidou, M., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Sensory transduction of gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis. J. Plant Physiol. 159, 855-862 (2002).
431.  He, Y.-Y., Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Adaptation of cyanobacteria to UV-B stress correlated with oxidative stress and oxidative damage. Photochem. Photobiol. 76, 188-196 (2002).
432.  Montero, O., Klisch, M., D.-P. Häder and Lubian, M.: Comparative sensitivity of seven marine microalgae to cumulative exposure to ultraviolet-B radiation with daily increasing doses. Bot. Marina 45, 305-315 (2002).
433.  Nick, P., Kiss, J., Jacobs, W.P., Barlow, P., Häder, D.-P. and Morris, W.: The future of aquatic research in space: Plant Biology, Discussion. Biol. Bull. 192, 137-138 (1997).
434.  He, Y.-Y and Häder, D.-P.: Reactive oxygen species and UV-B: effect on cyanobacteria. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 1, 729-736 (2002).
435.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M., Sinha, R.P., Barbieri, E.S. and Helbling, E.W.: Role of protective and repair mechanisms in the inhibition of photosynthesis in marine macroalgae. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 1, 809-814 (2002).
436.  Singh, S.C., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Role of lipids and fatty acids in stress tolerance in cyanobacteria. Acta Protozool. 41, 297-308 (2002).
437.  Richter, P.R., Ntefidou, M., Streb, C., Faddoul, J., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: High light exposure leads to a sign change of gravitaxis in the flagellate Euglena gracilis. Acta Protozool. 41, 343-351 (2002).
438.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Life under solar UV radiation in aquatic organisms. Adv. Space Res. 30, 1547-1556 (2002).
439.  Sinha, R.P., Gröniger, A., Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Ozone depletion and ultraviolet-B radiation: Impacts on aquatic organisms. Rec. Res. Devel. Photochem. Photobiol. 6, 95-106 (2002).
440.  Sinha, R.P., Gröniger, A., Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Ultraviolet-B radiation: Photoprotection and repair in aquatic organisms. Rec. Res. Devel. Photochem. Photobiol. 6, 107-119 (2002).
441.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Impacts of ultraviolet-B radiation on rice-field cyanobacteria. J. Photoscience 9, 439-441 (2002).
442.  Sakashita, T., Doi, M., Yasuda, H., Takeda, H., Fuma, S., Nakamura, Y. and Häder, D.-P.: High-energy carbon ion irradiation and the inhibition of negative gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis Z. Int. J. Radiation Res. 78, 1055-1060 (2002)
443.  Sakashita, T., Doi, M., Yasuda, H., Fuma, S. and  Häder, D.-P.: Effects of gamma-ray and high energy carbon ion irradiation on swimming velocity of Euglena gracilis. Adv. Space Res. 30, 1023-1030 (2002).
444. Häder, D.-P., Kumar, H. D., Smith, R. C. and Worrest, R. C.: Aquatic ecosystems: effects of solar ultraviolet radiation and interactions with other climatic change factors. UNEP Environmental Effects Panel Report 77-103 (2002).
444a. Häder, D.-P., Kumar, H. D., Smith, R. C. and Worrest, R. C.: Aquatic ecosystems: effects of solar ultraviolet radiation and interactions with other climatic change factors. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2, 29-50 (2003). Reprint of UNEP document.
445.  Sinha, R.P., Ambasht, N.K., Sinha, J.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Wavelength-dependent induction of a mycosporine-like amino acid in a rice-field cyanobacterium, Nostoc commune: role of inhibitors and salt stress. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2, 171-176 (2002).
446.  Sakashita, T., Doi, M., Yasuda, H., Takeda, H., Fuma, S., Nakamura, Y. and  Häder, D.-P.: Comparative study of gamma-ray and high energy carbon ion irradiation on negative gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis. J. Plant Physiol. 159, 1533-1360 (2002).
447.  Häder, D.-P.: UV-B impact on the life of aquatic plants. In: Ambasht, R.S. and Ambasht, N.K.: Modern Trends in Applied Aquatic Ecology. Kluwer Acad./Plenum Publ., New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow, pp. 149-172 (2003).
448.  Sakashita, T., Doi, M., Yasuda, H., Takeda, H., Fuma, S. and Häder, D.-P.: Protection of negative gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis Z against gamma-ray irradiation by Trolox C. J. Radiation Res. 43, S257-S259 (2002)
449.  Tyagi, R., Kumar, A., Tyagi, M.B., Jha, P.N., Kumar, H.D., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Protective role of certain chemicals against UV-B-induced damage in the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium, Nostoc muscorum. J. Basic Microbiol. 42, 137-147 (2003).
450.  Han, T., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of intense PAR and UV radiation on photosynthesis, growth and pigmentation in the rice-field cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2, 649-654 (2003).
451.  Streb, C., Richter, P., Sakashita, T. and Häder, D.-P.: The use of bioassays for studying toxicology in ecosystems. Current Topics in Plant Biology 3, 131-142 (2002).
452.  Sinha, R.P., Singh, S.C. and Häder, D.-P.: Lipid peroxidation in algae: present status and future applications. Current Topics in Plant Biology 3, 121-130 (2002).
453.  Klisch, M., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: UV-absorbing compounds in algae. Current Topics in Plant Biology 3, 113-120 (2002).
454.  Streb, C., Richter, P., Lebert, M., Dachev, T. and Häder, D.-P.: R3D-B, radiation risk radiometer-dosimeter on Biopan (FOTON) and Expose on the International Space Station. In: Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Exo/Astrobiology, Graz, Austria, 16-19 Sept. 2002, EA SP-518 (2002).
455.  Richter, P., Börnig, A., Streb, C., Ntefidou, M., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of increased salinity on gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis. J. Plant Physiol. 160, 651-656 (2003).
456.  Häder, D.-P.: Graviorientation in flagellates. Tagungsband Dara Symposium, Statusseminar „Forschung unter Weltraumbedingungen". Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen. 4.-6-März, 1991, 163-168 (1991).
457.  Richter, P., Ntefidou, M., Streb, C., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Cellular perception and transduction mechanisms of gravity in unicellular organisms. Current Topics in Plant Biol. 3, 143-154 (2002).
458.  Richter, P., Streb, C., Ntefidou, M., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: High light-induced sign change of gravitaxis in the flagellate Euglena gracilis is mediated by reactive oxygen species. Acta Protozool. 42, 197 – 204 (2003).
459.  Han, T., Han, Y.-S., Kain, J. M. and Häder, D.-P.: Thallus differentiation of photosynthesis, growth, reproduction, and UV-B sensitivity in the green alga Ulva pertusa (Chlorophyceae). J. Phycol. 39, 712-721 (2003).
460.  Sinha, R.P., Ambasht, N.K., Sinha, J.P., Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: UV-B-induced synthesis of mycosporine-like amino acids in three strains of Nodularia (cyanobacteria). J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 71, 51-58 (2003).
461.  Häder, D.-P. and Dachev, T.: Measurement of solar and cosmic radiation during spaceflight. Surveys in Geophysics 24, 229-246 (2003).
462.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M., Richter, P. and Ntefidou, M.: Gravitaxis and graviperception in flagellates. Adv. Space Res. 31, 2181-2186 (2003).
463.  Kumar, A., Tyagi, M.B., Sing, N., Tyagi, R., Jha, P.N., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Role of white light in reversing UV-B-mediated effects in the N2
-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena BT2. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 71, 35-42 (2003).
464.  Häder, D.-P.: Photoecology and environmental photobiology. In: Horspool, W. and Lenci, F. CRC Handbook of Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2nd edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington, pp. 116-1 – 116-7 (2003).
465.  Richter, P.R., Schuster, M., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Gravitactic signal transduction elements in Astasia longa investigated during parabolic flights. Microgravity sci. Technol. 14, 17-24 (2003).
466.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and Helbling, W.: Effects of solar radiation on the Patagonian rhodophyte Corallina officinalis (L.). Photosynthesis Research 78, 119-132 (2003).
467.  Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar ultraviolet radiation on aquatic primary producers. In: Nalwa, H.S.: Handbook of Photochemistry and Photobiology, vol. 4: Photobiology. Amer. Scient. Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA, USA, pp. 329 – 352 (2003).
468.  Ntefidou, M., Iseki, M., Richter, P., Streb, C., Lebert, M., Watanabe, M. and Häder, D.-P.: RNA interference of genes involved in photomovement in Astasia longa and Euglena gracilis mutants. Recent Res. Devel. Biochem. 4, 925-930 (2004).
469.  Andrady, A., Aucamp, P.J., Bais, A.F., Ballaré, C.L., Björn, L.O., Bornman, J.F., Caldwell, M., Cullen, A.P., Erickson, D.J., de Gruijl, F.R., Häder, D.-P., Ilyas, M., Kulandaivelu, G., Kumar, H.D., Longstreth, J., McKenzie, R.L., Norval, M., Redhwi, H.H., Smith, R.C., Solomon, K.R., Takizawa, Y., Tang, X., Teramura, A.H., Torikai, A., van der Leun, J.C., Wilson, S., Worrest, R.C. and Zepp, R.G.: Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress Report 2003. Photobiol. Photochem. Sci. 3, 1-5 (2004).
470.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and Helbling, E.W.: Variable fluorescence parameters in the filamentous Patagonian rhodophytes Callithamnion gaudichaudii and Ceramium sp. under solar radiation. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 73, 87-99 (2004).
471.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Biochemistry of phycobilisome disassembly by ultraviolet-B radiation in cyanobacteria. Recent Res. Devel. Biochem. 4, 945-955 (2004).
472.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Photoprotection in cyanobacteria. Recent Res. Devel. Biochem. 4, 915-924 (2004).
473.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Biochemistry of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) synthesis: Role in photoprotection. Recent Res. Devel. Biochem. 4, 945-955 (2004).
474.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and Helbling, E.W.: In situ effects of solar radiation on photosynthesis in the Patagonian Rhodopyte, Porphyra columbina Montagne. Recent Res. Devel. Biochem. 4, 931-944 (2004).
475.  Richter, P., Ntefidou, M., Streb, C., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: The role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in signaling of light stress. Recent Res. Devel. Biochem. 4, 957-970 (2004).
476.  Vaishampayan, A., Sinha, R.P., Gupta, A.K. and Häder, D.-P.: N
2-fixing rice-field cyanobacterial mutant resistant against uracil herbicide. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology 3, 417-423 (2003).
477.  Streb, C., Richter, P., Ntefidou, M., Lebert, M., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Cyanobacterial responses to UV radiation. Proc. of the III European Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology. Mars: The Search for Life, Madrid, Spain, 18-20 November 2003. (ESA SP-545. March 2004).
478.  Han, T., Kong, J.-A., Han, Y.-S., Kang, S.-H. and Häder, D.-P.: UV-A/blue light-induced reactivation of spore germination in UV-B irradiated Ulva pertusa (Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 40, 315-322 (2004).
479.   Ntefidou, M., Iseki, M., Watanabe, M., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Photoactivated adenylyl cyclase controls phototaxis in the flagellate Euglena gracilis. Plant Physiol. 133, 1517-1521 (2003).
480.  Helbling, E.W., Barbieri, E.S., Sinha, R.P., Villafañe, V.E. and Häder, D.-P.: Dynamics of potentially protective compounds in Rhodophyta species form Patagonia (Argentina) exposed to solar radiation. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 75, 63-71 (2004).
481.  Harder, D., Klener, V., Atwell, W., Beno, M., Breitbart, E.W., Cremer, C., Fry, R.J.M., Greinert, R., Häder, D.-P., Knuschke, P., Obe, G., Reiz, G., Rettberg, P., Spurny, F., Tanooka, H., Tomasek, L. and Volkmer, B.: Radiation protection concepts. In: Baumstark-Khan, C. et al. (eds.): Fundamentals for the Assessment of Risks for Environmental Radiation, 519-526. Kluwer Academic Publ, The Netherlands (1999).
482.  Rink, H., Yang, T.C., Böhm, L., Govorun, R., Häder, D.-P., Horneck, G., Kaina, B., Kozubek, S., Liu, S.Z., Potten, C. and Ptitsyn, L: Cellular responses. In: Baumstark-Khan, C. et al. (eds.): Fundamentals for the Assessment of Risks for Environmental Radiation, 339-344. Kluwer Academic Publ, The Netherlands (1999).
483.  Häder, D.-P.: Vertical migration and distribution of primary producers in aquatic ecosystems – The effects of enhanced solar UVB. Photochem. Photobiol. 65, 263-264 (1997).
484.  Liu, Z., Häder, D.-P. and Sommaruga, R.: Occurrence of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in the bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. J. Plankton Res. 26, 963-966 (2004).
485.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and del Ciampo, L.: Langzeitmonitoring der Solarstrahlung im Bereich der Baia da Babitonga (Südbrasilien) im Vergleich zur nördlichen Hemisphäre. Erlanger Forschungen, Reihe B, Naturwiss. Med. 27, 59-71 (2004).
486.  Breiter, R., Neeße, T., Richter, Häder, D.-P., Tureck, C. and Novais de Oliveira, M.: Untersuchungen an kontaminierten Sedimenten der Baia da Babitonga. Erlanger Forschungen, Reihe B, Naturwiss. Med. 27, 31-42 (2004).
487.  Gröniger, A., Gerber, S. and Häder, D.-P.: Long-term studies of effects of solar radiation on mesocosms at different altitudes in Bavaria, Germany. Trends in Photochem. Photobiol. 10, 137-147 (2003).
488.  Ayash, A.S., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Comparative study of the influence of UV on photosynthesis of Cryptomonas maculata and Cosmarium cucumis. Trends in Photochem. Photobiol. 10, 167-173 (2003).
489.  Andrady, A., Aucamp, P.J., Bais, A.F., Ballaré, C.L., Björn, L.O., Bornman, J.F., Caldwell, M., Callaghan, T., Cullen, A.P., Erickson, D.J., de Gruijl, F.R., Häder, D.-P., Ilyas, M., Kulandaivelu, G., Kumar, H.D., Longstreth, J.,.McKenzie, R.L., Norval, M., Hamid Redhwi, H., Smith, R.C., Solomon, K.R., Sulzberger, B., Takizawa, Y., Tang, X., Teramura, A.H., Torikai, A., van der Leun, J.C., Wilson, S.R., Worrest R.C. and Zepp, R.G.: Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2004. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 22, 177-184 (2005).
490.  Ntefidou, M., Richter, P.R., Streb, C., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: High light exposure leads to a sign change in gravitaxis of the flagellate Euglena gracilis. J. Gravit. Physiol. 9, 277-278 (2002).
491.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Ultra violet screening compounds in algae: role in evolution. In: Britto, J. (ed.): Molecular Systematics. The Rapinat Herbarium and Centre for Molecular Systematics, St. Joseph’s College, Tirucirappalli – 620 002, India.
492.  Klisch, M., Sinha, R.P., Helbling, E.W. and Häder, D.-P.: Induction of thymine dimers by solar radiation in natural freshwater phytoplankton assemblages in Patagonia, Argentina. Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries 67, 72 – 78 (2005).
493.  Häder, D.-P. and Sinha, R.P.: Solar ultraviolet radiation-induced DNA damage in aquatic organisms: potential environmental impact. Mutation Research 571, 221-233 (2003).
494.  Sinha, R.P., Helbling, E.W. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar radiation on photosynthetic quantum yield of a cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. Trends Photochem. Photobiol. 10, 159 – 166 (2003).
495.  Sinha, R.P., Barbieri, E.S., Lebert, M., Helbling, E.W. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of solar radiation on phycobiliproteins of marine red algae. Trends Photochem. Photobiol. 10, 149 – 157 (2003).
496.  Häder, D.-P., Ntefidou, M., Iseki, M. and Watanabe, M.: Phototaxis photoreceptor in Euglena gracilis. In: Wada, M., Shimazaki, K. and Iino, M. (eds.): Light Sensing in Plants. pp. 223 – 229, Yamada Science Foundation and Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, (2005).
497.  Richter, P., Ntefidou, M., Streb, C., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Physiological characterization of gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis. J. Gravitational Physiol. 9, P-279 – P-280 (2002).
498.  Streb, C., Richter, P., Ntefidou, M., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: ECOTOX – Biomonitoring based on real time movement analysis of unicellular organisms. J. Gravitational Physiol. 9, P-345 – P-346 (2002).
499.  Dachev, T., Tomov, B., Matviichuk, Y. Dimitrov, P. and Häder, D.-P.: New Space experiment of BAS. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 8, 1-2 (2005).
500.  Ntefidou, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (PAC) genes in the flagellate Euglena gracilis mutant strains. PPS 4, 732-739 (2005).
501.  Häder, D.P., Richter, R., Ntefidou, M. and Lebert, M.: Gravitational sensory transduction chain in flagellates. Advances in Space Research 36, 1182-1188 (2005).
502.  Arroniz-Crespo, M., Sinha, R.P., Martinez-Abaigar, J., Nunez-Olivera, E. and Häder, D.-P. Ultraviolet radiation-induced changes in mycosporine-like amino acids and physiological variables in the red alga Lemanea fluviatilis. J. Freshwater Ecol. 20, 677-687 (2005).
503.  Andrady, A., Aucamp, P.J., Bais, A.F., Ballaré, C.L., Björn, L.O., Bornman, J.F., Caldwell, M., Cullen, A.P., Erickson, D.J., de Gruijl, F.R., Häder, D.-P., Ilyas, M., Kulandaivelu, G., Kumar, H. D., Longstreth, J., McKenzie, R.L., Norval, M., Redhwi, H.H., Smith, R.C., Solomon, K.R., Sulzberger, B., Takizawa, Y., Tang, X., Teramura, A.H., Torikai, A., van der Leun, J.C., Wilson, S.R., Worrest, R.C. and Zepp, R.G.: Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2005. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 5, 13-24 (2006).
504.  Dachev, Ts., Dimitrov, Pl., Tomov, B., Matviichuk, Yu.,  Bankov, N., and Häder, D.-P.: Observation of the Earth radiation environment by R3D-B2 instrument on Foton M2 satellite, Proceedings of 11th International Science Conference on Solar-Terrestrial Influences, pp 171-174, Sofia, November 24-25, 2005.
505.  Sinha, R.P., Kumar, A., Tyagi, M.B. and Häder, D.-P.: Ultraviolet-B-induced destruction of phycobiliproteins in cyanobacteria. Physiol. Mol. Biol. Plants 11, 313-319 (2005).
506  Strauch, S.M., Hemmersbach, R., Seibt, D., Schuber, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Behavior of gravisensitive cells on 2D and 3D clinostats. J. Gravitational Physiol. 12, P-259-P-260 (2005).
507.  Häder, D.-P. and Lebert, M.: ELDONET – European Light DOsimeter NETwork. In: Ghetti, F., Checcucci, G. and Bornman, J.F.: Environmental UV radiation: Impact on Ecosystems and Human Health and Predictive Models. NATO Science Series, IV Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 57, pp. 95-108, ISBN 1-4020-3696-5, Springer (2006).
508.  Häder, D.-P.: Impact of UV radiation on the aquatic environment. In: Ghetti, F., Checcucci, G. and Bornman, J.F.: Environmental UV radiation: Impact on Ecosystems and Human Health and Predictive Models. NATO Science Series, IV Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 57, pp. 179-191, ISBN 1-4020-3696-5, Springer (2006).
509.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Impact of UV radiation on rice-field cyanobacteria: role of photoprotective compounds. In: Ghetti, F., Checcucci, G. and Bornman, J.F.: Environmental UV radiation: Impact on Ecosystems and Human Health and Predictive Models. NATO Science Series, IV Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 57, pp. 217-230, ISBN 1-4020-3696-5, Springer (2006).
510.  He, Y.-Y and Häder, D.-P.: UV-B induced oxidative stress and damage in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. In: Ghetti, F., Checcucci, G. and Bornman, J.F.: Environmental UV radiation: Impact on Ecosystems and Human Health and Predictive Models. NATO Science Series, IV Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 57, pp. 281, ISBN 1-4020-3696-5, Springer (2006).
511.  Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: A polychromatic action spectrum of MAA synthesis in the dinoflagellate Gyrodinium dorsum. In: Ghetti, F., Checcucci, G. and Bornman, J.F.: Environmental UV radiation: Impact on Ecosystems and Human Health and Predictive Models. NATO Science Series, IV Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 57, pp. 282, ISBN 1-4020-3696-5, Springer (2006).
512.  Richter, P.R., Klisch, M., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) protect against UV-B-induced damage in Gyrodinium dorsum. In: Ghetti, F., Checcucci, G. and Bornman, J.F.: Environmental UV radiation: Impact on Ecosystems and Human Health and Predictive Models. NATO Science Series, IV Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 57, pp. 283, ISBN 1-4020-3696-5, Springer (2006).
513.  Streb, C., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: ECOTOX – a biomonitoring system for UV-effects and toxic substances. In: Ghetti, F., Checcucci, G. and Bornman, J.F.: Environmental UV radiation: Impact on Ecosystems and Human Health and Predictive Models. NATO Science Series, IV Earth and Environmental Sciences – Vol. 57, pp. 288, ISBN 1-4020-3696-5, Springer (2006).
514.  Häder, D.-P.: Photoinhibition and UV response in the aquatic environment. In Demmig-Adams, B.,  Adams III, W.W., Matoo, A. and Wallace, H.A. (eds.) Photoprotection, Photoinhibition, Gene Regulation, and Environment, pp. 87-105.Volume 21 in the series:  Advances in Photosynthesis, Govindjee (series editor), Springer 2006.
515.  Millán de Kuhn, R., Streb, C., Breiter, R., Richter, P., Neeße, T. and Häder, D.-P.: Screening for unicellular algae as possible bioassay organisms for monitoring marine water samples. Water Res. 40, 2695-2703 (2006).
516.  Horneck, G., Hock, B., Wänke, H., Rettberg, P., Häder, D.-P., Dachev, T., Rabbow, E., Reitz, G., Panitz, C., Lux-Endrich, A., Richter, P. and Mishev, D.: Spores in artificial meteorites, the experiment Spores on Expose. Proc. Second European Workshop on Exo/Astrobiology, Graz, Austria, 16-19. September 2002 (ESA SP-518, November 2002).
517.  Häder, D.-P., Richter, P.R., Strauch, S.M. and Schuster, M.: Aquacells – flagellates under long-term microgravity and potential usage for life support systems. Microgravity Sci. Technol. XVIII, 210-214 (2006).
518.  Häder, D.-P.: Wie unterscheiden Einzeller oben und unten – Beispiele für biologische Experimente im Weltraumlabor. Frühjahrstagung Augsburg 2003. V. Nordmeier (Hrsg), Didaktik der Physik - Beiträge zur Frühjahrstagung der DPG - Augsburg 2003. Verlag Lehmanns, ISBN 3-936427-71-2.
519.  Streb, C. and Häder, D.-P.: Risk assessment with the Biomonitoring System ECOTOX. In: ConSoil 2003, 8th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil, Conference Proceedings, Gent, Belgium, May 12-16 2003. Belgium: FZK/TNO and OVAM, 2003, S.
520.  Hemmersbach, R., Strauch, S., Seibt, D., Schuber, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Comparative studies on gravisensitive protists on ground (2D and 3D clinostats) and in microgravity. Microgravity Sci. Technol. XVIII, 257-259 (2006).
521.  Häder, D.-P., Richter, P. and Lebert, M.: Signal transduction in gravisensing of flagellates. Signal Transd. 6, 422-431 (2006).
522.  Hock, B. and Häder, D.-P.: Graviresponses in fungi and slime molds. Signal Transd. 6, 443-448 (2006).
523.  Ullrich, O. and Häder, D.-P.: Editorial: Signal transduction in gravity perception: From microorganisms to mammals. Signal Transd. 6, 377-379 (2006).
524.  Richter, P.R., Schuster, M., Meyer, I., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Indications for acceleration-dependent changes of membrane potential in the flagellate Euglena gracilis. Protoplasma 229, 101–108 (2006).
525.  Häder, D.-P. and Hemmersbach, R.: Gravitational Biology. Editorial. Protoplasma 229, I? (2006).
526.  Ntefidou, M., Lüdtke, T., Ahmad, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Heterologous expression of photoactivated adenylyl cyclase (PAC) genes from the flagellate Euglena gracilis in insect cells. Photochem. Photobiol. 82, 1601-1605 (2006).
527.  Häder, D.-P., Kumar, H.D., Smith, R.C. and Worrest, R.C.: Effects of solar UV radiation on aquatic ecosystems and interactions with climate change. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 6, 267–285 (2007).
527a.  Häder, D.-P., Kumar, H.D., Smith, R.C. and Worrest, R.C.: Effects of solar UV radiation on aquatic ecosystems and interactions with climate change. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, 2006.
528.  Klisch, M., Richter, P., Puchta, R., Häder, D.-P. and Bauer, W.: The stereostructure of porphyra-334: an experimental and calculational NMR investigation. Evidence for an efficient ‘proton sponge’. Helvetica Chimica Acta 90, 488-511 (2007).
529.  Streb, C., Böcker, R. and Häder, D.-P.: Euglena gracilis: An indicator organism for aquatic toxicity of xenobiotics. Current Topics in Toxicology 2, 17-24 (2006).
530.  Richter, P.R., Schuster, M., Lebert, M., Streb, C. and Häder, D.-P.: Gravitaxis of Euglena gracilis depends only partially on passive buoyancy. Adv. Space Research 39, 1218-1224 (2007).
531.  Montero, O. and Häder, D.-P.: Photosynthetic response of five marine diatoms to acute exposure to PAR and UV radiations. Acta Protozool. 46, 81–91 (2007).
532.  Richter, P.R., Streb, C. and Häder, D.-P.: Sign change of phototaxis in Euglena gracilis. Trends in Photochem. Photobiol. 11, 58-61 (2006).
533.  Richter, P.R., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Scytonemin-rich epilithic cyanobacteria survive acetone treatment. Curr. Trends Microbiol. 2, 13-19 (2006).
534.  Richter, P.R., Gonçalves, R.J., Marcoval, A., Helbling, E.W. and Häder, D.-P.: Diurnal changes in the composition of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAA) in Corallina officinalis. Curr. Trends in Photochem. Photobiol. 11, 33-44 (2006).
535.  Ferroni, L., Klisch, M., Pancaldi, S. and Häder, D.-P.: Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis in Euglena gracilis: a survey on the use of a portable PAM fluorometer for photosynthesis studies in flagellate algae. Trends in Photochem. Photobiol. 11, 23-32 (2006).
536.  Richter, P.R., Häder, D.-P., Gonçalves, R.J., Marcoval, A., Villafañe, V.E. and Helbling, E.W.: Vertical migration and motility responses in three marine phytoplankton species exposed to solar radiation. Photochem. Photobiol. 83, 810-817 (2007).
537.  Richter, P.R., Helbling, E.W., Streb, C. and Häder, D.-P.: PAR and UV effects on vertical migration and photosynthesis in Euglena gracilis. Photochem. Photobiol. 83, 818-823 (2007).
538.  Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M., Schuster, M., del Ciampo, L., Helbling, E.W. and McKenzie, R.: ELDONET – a decade of monitoring solar radiation on five continents. Photochem. Photobiol. 83, 1348-1357 (2007).
539.  Richter, P.R., Ayash, A.S., Al-Araidh, I.A., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Methanol and acetone soluble UV-absorbing pigments in lichens from Saudi Arabia. Trends in Photochem. Photobiol. 11, 45-56 (2006).
540.  Sinha, R.P., Singh, S.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Database on mycosporines and mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in fungi, cyanobacteria, macroalgae, phytoplankton and animals. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol.: 89, 29-35 (2007).
541.  Andrady, A., Aucamp, P.J., Bais, A.F., Ballaré, C.L., Björn, L.O., Bornman, J.F., Caldwell, M., Cullen, A.P., de Gruijl, F.R., Erickson, D.J. III, Flint, S.D., Häder, D.-P., Hamid, H.S., Ilyas, M., Kulandaivelu, G., Kumar, H.D., McKenzie, R.L., Longstreth, L., Lucas, R.M., Noonan, F.P., Norval, M., Paul, N.D., Smith, R.C., Solomon, K.R.,  Sulzberger, B., Takizawa, Y., Tang, X.,  Torikai, A., van der Leun, J.C.,  Wilson, S.R., Worrest, R.C.  and Zepp, R.G.: Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Executive Summary, 2006. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 6: 212-217 (2007).
542.  Streb, C., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Plant cytochrome P450 family – A review. Current Topics in Plant Biology 7, 43 - 46 (2006).
543.  Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: UV-protectants in cyanobacteria. Plant Science 174, 278-289 (2008).
544.  Andrady, A., Aucamp, P.J., Bais, A.F., Ballaré, C.L., Björn, L.O., Bornman, J.F., Caldwell, M., Callaghan, T., Cullen, A.P., Erickson, D.J., de Gruijl, F.R., Häder, D.-P., Ilyas, M., Kulandaivelu, G., Kumar, H.D., Longstreth, L., McKenzie, R.L., Norval, M., Redhwi, H.H., Smith, R.C., Solomon, K.R.,  Sulzberger, B., Takizawa, Y., Tang, X.,  Teramura, A.H., Torikai, A., van der Leun, J.C.,  Wilson, S.R., Worrest, R.C.  and Zepp, R.G.: Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2007. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 7: 15-27 (2008).
Singh, S.P., Klisch, M., Häder, D.-P. and Sinha, R.P.: Role of various growth media on shinorine (mycosporine-like amino acid) concentration and photosynthetic yield in Anabaena variabilis PCC 7937. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 24, 3111-3115 (2008).
Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Mycosporine-like amino acids and marine toxins - The common and the different. Marine Drugs 6, 147 – 163 (2008).
Singh, S.P., Klisch, M., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of abiotic stressors on synthesis of the mycosporine-like amino acid shinorine in the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis PCC 7937. Photochem. Photobiol. 84, 1500 - 1505 (2008).
Singh, S.P., Sinha, R.P., Klisch, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) profile of a rice-field cyanobacterium Anabaena doliolum as influenced by PAR and UVR. Planta 228, 225 – 233 (2008).
Sinha, R.P., Rastogi, R.P., Ambasht, N.K. and Häder, D.-P.: Life of wetland cyanobacteria under enhancing solar UV-B radiation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B, 78, 53 - 65 (2008).
Sinha, R.P., Singh, S.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Effects of UV-B radiation on phytoplankton and macroalgae: Adaptation strategies. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B, 78, 105 - 116 (2008)
Andrady, A., Aucamp, P.J., Bais, A.F., Ballaré, C.L., Björn, L.O., Bornman, J.F., Caldwell, M., Cullen, A.P., Erickson, D.J., de Gruijl, F.R., Häder, D.-P., Ilyas, M., Kulandaivelu, G., Kumar, H.D., Longstreth, J., McKenzie, R.L., Norval, M., Paul, N., Redhwi, H.H., Smith, R.C., Solomon, K.R., Sulzberger, B., Takizawa, Y., Tang, X., Teramura, A.H., Torikai, A., van der Leun, J.C., Wilson, S.R., Worrest, R.C., Zepp, R.G.: Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2008. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 8: 13 - 22 (2009).
Singh, S.P., Kumari, S., Rastogi, R.P., Singh, K.L., Richa, Sinha, R.Pand Häder, D.-P.: Induction of mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in a cyanobacterium Anabaena doliolum by ultraviolet (UV) radiation. 4th Asia Oceania Conference on Photobiology, November 24 – 26, 2008. Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi – 221005, India.
Wohllebe, S., Richter, R., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Photodynamic control of human pathogenic parasites in aquatic ecosystems using chlorophyllin and pheophorbid as photodynamic substances. Parasitol. Res. 104, 593-600 (2009).
Häder, D.-P. and Lebert, M.: Graviorientation in flagellates. Proceedings of 2nd China-Germany Workshop on Microgravity Science. Dunhuang, China, Sept. 1 – 3, National Microgravity Laboratory/CAS, Beijing, China, pp. 189-194 (2002).
Häder, D.-P., Richter, P., Schuster, M., Dachev, T., Tomov, B., Plamen, G. and Matviichuk, Y.: R3D-B2 – Measurement of ionizing and solar radiation in open space in the BIOPAN 5 facility outside the FOTON M2 satellite. Adv. Space Research 43 1200-1211 (2009).
Häder, D.-P., Richter, P., Schuster, M., Daiker, V. and Lebert , M.: Molecular analysis of the graviperception signal transduction in the flagellate Euglena gracilis: involvement of a Transient Receptor Potential-like channel and a calmodulin. Adv. Space Research 43,1179-1184 (2009).
Lüdtke, T. and Häder, Donat-P.: Molecular genetics of the novel photoreceptor PAC in euglenophytes and bacteria. Chapter 11 in: Thangadurai, D., Tang, W. and Pullaiah, T. (eds.) Genes, Genomes & Genomics, vol. 2., Vedams eBooks Ltd, New Delhi, India, ISBN 9788189233570, p. 189-200 (2007).
Cabrol, N.A., Grin,E.A., Chong, G., Minkley, E., Hock, A.N., Yu, Y., Leslie Bebout, L., Fleming, E., Häder, D.-P., Cecilia Demergasso, C.,  Gibson, J., Escudero, L., Dorador, C., Lim, D., Clayton Woosley, C.,  Morris, R.L., Tambley, C., Gaete, V., Galvez, M.E., Smith, E., Uskin-Peate, I., Salazar, C., Dawidowicz, G., and Majerowicz, J.: The high-lakes project. J. Geophys. Res., 114, doi:10.1029/2008JG000818 (2009).
Singh, S.P., Klisch, M., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Genome mining of mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA) synthesizing and non-synthesizing cyanobacteria: A bioinformatics study, Genomics 95, 120-128 (2010).
Häder, D.-P. and Lebert, M.: Photoorientation in photosynthetic flagellates. In: Jin, T. and Hereld, D. (eds.) Chemotaxis, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 571. Humana Press, New York), 51-65 (2009).
Richter, P., Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M., Schuster, M., Daiker, V. and Strauch, S.: Investigation of gravity-related swimming behavior of unicellular flagellates. Proceedings of the 18th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research (ESA SP-647, November 2007). Edited by L. Conroy. ESA Communication Production Office / ESTEC. Published and distributed by ESA  Communication Production Office. ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. ISBN 92-9291-211-7, ISSN 0379-6566. European Space Agency, pp. 473-477 (2007).
Dachev, T., Semkova, J., Tomov, B., Dimitrov, P., Maltchev, S., Matviichuk, Y., Koleva, S., Reiz, G., Horneck, G., de Angelis, G., Häder, D., Petrov, V., Shurshakov, V., Benghin, V., Chernykh, I., Drobyshev, S. and Bankov, N.: American shuttle cuts down the radiation doses on International Space Station. Bulgarian Acad. Of Sciences News 12 (76) Sofia ISSN 1312-2436, p. 1-2 (2009).
Singh, S.P., Sinha, R.P., Daiker, V.  and Häder, D.-P.: Quantitative and qualitative extraction of RNA from a filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis PCC 7937. J. App. Phycol. 22: 113-116, Online (2009). DOI: 10.1007/s10811-009-9428-7 (2010).
Singh, S.P., Häder, D.-P. and Sinha, R.P.: Cyanobacteria and ultraviolet radiation (UVR) stress: Mitigation strategies. Aging Research Reviews. Online (2009). doi:10.1016/j.arr.2009.05.004
Jordanova, M.,Ts. P. Dachev, Y. N. Matviichuk, B. T. Tomov, Pl. G. Dimitrov, P. Mishev, V. Yanakiev, O. Ferrer-Roca, D-P. Häder, P. Kantchev, GSM-Based Mobile Health System, Proceedings of the ET2000 Conference, Book 2, 31 (2000).
Häder, D., T. Dachev,  ECOTOX - An Automatic Bioassay System to Detect Toxic Substances in Water, Proceedings of 7th STIL-BAS conference, 165, Sofia, November (2000).
Dachev, Ts. P., B. T. Tomov, Yu.N. Matviichuk, Pl .G. Dimitrov, J.V. Semkova, R.T. Koleva, V.V. Benghin, V.M. Petrov, V.I. Redko, V.V. Shurshakov, I.V. Chernih, E.N. Yarmanova, V.I. Lyugushin, J.F. Bottollier- Depois, V.D. Nguen, L. Lebaron-Jacobs, M. Siegrist, K. Fujitaka, Y. Uchihori, H. Kitamura, G. Reitz, R. Beaujean, D.-P. Haeder, G. Horneck, F. Spurny, Gh. Grégoire, M. Cyamukungu, J.F. Lemaire,  
lt MIR Space Radiation Environment as Observed by LIULIN Instrument. Future Radiation Environment Investigations on International Space Station, Материалы Международной научной конференции “Интеркосмос-30”, 9-10 апреля 2001, (Proceedings of International scientific conference Intercosmos-30), 254-261, 2003.
Aguilera, J., Figueroa, F.L., Donat-P. Häder, D.-P. and Jiménez, C.: Photoinhibition and photosynthetic pigment reorganisation dynamics in light/darkness cycles as photoprotective mechanisms of Porphyra umbilicalis against damaging effects of UV radiation. Scientia Marina, 72, (2008).
Piazena, H., and D.-P. Häder (2009), Solar UV-B and UV-A irradiance in arid high-mountain regions: Measurements on the island of Tenerife as compared to previous tropical Andes data, J. Geophys. Res., 114, G04024, doi:10.1029/2008JG000820.
Ferroni, L. Klisch, M. Pancaldi, S. and Häder, D.-P.: Complementary UV-absorption of mycosporine-like amino acids and scytonemin is responsible for the UV-insensitivity of photosynthesis in Nostoc flagelliforme. Mar. Drugs 8, 106-121 (2010); doi:10.3390/md8010106
Andrady, A., Aucamp, P.J., Bais, A.F., Ballaré, C.L., Björn, L.O., Bornman, J.F., Caldwell, M., Cullen, A.P., Erickson, D.J., de Gruijl, F.R., Häder, D.-P., Ilyas, M., Kulandaivelu, G., Kumar, H.D., Longstreth, L., McKenzie, R.L., Norval, M., Paul, N., Redhwi, H.H., Smith, R.C., Solomon, K.R.,  Sulzberger, B., Takizawa, Y., Tang, X.,  Teramura, A.H., Torikai, A., van der Leun, J.C.,  Wilson, S.R., Worrest, R.C.  and Zepp, R.G.: Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: progress report, 2009 Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 9, 275-294 (2010). DOI: 10.1039/b923342n
Ahmed, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Rapid ecotoxicological bioassay of nickel and cadmium using motility and photosynthetic parameters of Euglena gracilis. Env. Exp. Bot. lt  69, 68-75 (2010)
Daiker, V., Lebert, M., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.:  Molecular characterization of a calmodulin involved in the signal transduction chain of gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis. Planta 231 (5), 1229-1236 (2010).  doi:10.1007/s00425-010-1126-9
Rastogi, R.P., Singh, S.P., Häder, D.-P. and Sinha, R.P.: Detection of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by the oxidant-sensing probe 2’,7’-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate in the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis PCC 7937. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 397, 603–607 (2010).
Rastogi, R.P.,  Richa, Sinha, R.P., Singh,S.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Photoprotective compounds from marine organisms. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 37, 537–558, (2010).
Ahmed, H. And Häder, D.-P.: A fast algal bioassay for assessment of copper toxicity in water using Euglena gracilis. J. Appl. Phycology 0921-8971 (Print) 1573-5176 (Online) 10.1007/s10811-010-9520-z (2010).
Häder, D.-P.: Rock’n’Roll – Wie Mikroorganismen die Schwerkraft spüren- Spektrum der Wissenschaft Extra: Schwerelos Europa forscht im Weltall, 114-120 (2010).
Ahmed, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Monitoring of waste water samples using the ECOTOX biosystem and the flagellate alga Euglena gracilis. Water, Air Soil Pollut (DOI: 10.1007/s11270-010-0552-4).
Singh, S.P., Klisch, M., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Sulfur deficiency changes mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA) composition of Anabaena variabilis PCC 7937: A possible role of sulfur in MAA bioconversion. Photochem. Photobiol. 86, 862-870 (2010).
Rastogi, R.P.,  Richa, Singh,S.P., Häder, D.-P. and Sinha, R.P.: Mycosporine-like amino acids profile and their activity under PAR and UVR in a hot-spring cyanobacterium Scytonema sp. HKAR-3. Australian Journal of Botany 58, 286–293 (2010).
Strauch, S.M., Richter, P., Schuster, M. and Häder, D.-P.: The beating pattern of the flagellum of Euglena gracilis under altered gravity during parabolic flights. J. Plant Physiology 167, 41–46 (2010).
Singh,S.P., Rastogi,R.P.,  Häder, D.-P. and Sinha, R.P.: An improved method for genomic DNA extraction from cyanobacteria. World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 27, 1225–1230 (2011), DOI 10.1007/s11274-010-0571-8.
Häder, D.-P., Faddoul, J., Lebert, M., Richter, P., Schuster, M., Richter, R., Strauch, S.M. and Daiker, V.: Investigation of gravitaxis and phototaxis in Euglena gracilis. In: Advances in Life Sciences (Eds. R.P. Sinha, N.K. Sharma and A.K. Rai), I. K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, pp. 117-131 (2011).
Azizullah, A., Khattak, M.N.K., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Water pollution in Pakistan and its impact on public health — A review. Environ. Int. 37, 479-97 (2011).
Häder, D.-P., Helbling, E.W., Williamson, C.E. and Worrest, R.C.: Effects of UV radiation on aquatic ecosystems and interactions with climate change. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci.
10, 242-260 (2011).
Azizullah, A., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Responses of morphological, physiological, and biochemical parameters in Euglena gracilis to 7-days exposure to two commonly used fertilizers DAP and urea. J. Appl. Phycol. 24, 21-22 (2012). DOI 10.1007/s10811-010-9641-4
Häder, D.-P.: Does enhanced solar UV-B radiation affect marine primary producers in their natural habitats? Photochem. Photobiol. 87,  263–266 (2011). DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-1097.2011.00888.x (2011).
Azizullah, A., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Ecotoxicological evaluation of wastewater samples from Gadoon Amazai Industrial Estate (GAIE), Swabi, Pakistan. Int. J. Env. Sci. 1, 959 – 976 (2011).
Dachev, T.P., Semkova, J., Tomov, B., Matviichuk, Yu., Dimitrov, Pl., Koleva, R., Malchev, S. Reitz, G., Horneck, G., De Angelis, G., Häder, D.-P., Petrov,  V., Shurshakov, V. Benghin, V., Chernykh, I,, Drobyshev, S., Bankov, N.G. : Space Shuttle drops down the SAA doses on ISS. Adv. Space Res. 47, 2030–2038 (2011).
Xia, Q., Batentschuk, M., Osvet, A., Richter, P., Häder, D.-P., Schneider, J., Wondraczek, L., Winnacker, A. and Brabec, C. J.: Red-emitting Ca 1-x
Sr xS:Eu 2+ phosphors as light converters for plant-growth applications. MRS Spring Meetings Proceedings, 1-6 (2011).
Erzinger, G. S., Wohllebe, S., Vollrath, F., Souza, S. C., Richter, P., Lebert, M. and Häder, D.-P.: Optimizing conditions for the use of chlorophyll derivatives for photodynamic control of parasites in aquatic ecosystems. Parasitol. Res. 109, 781-786 (2011). DOI 10.1007/s00436-011-2322-7 (2011).
Azizullah, A., Richter, P., Häder D.-P., (2011) Sensitivity of various parameters in Euglena gracilis to short-term exposure to industrial wastewaters. Journal of Applied Phycology (2012) 24, 187–200 (2012) . DOI 10.1007/s10811-011-9667-2
Azizullah, A., Richter, P., Häder D.-P., (2011) Comparative toxicity of the pesticides carbofuran and malathion to the freshwater flagellate Euglena gracilis. Ecotoxicology. 20, 1442-1454 (2011). DOI 10.1007/s10646-011-0701-6
Azizullah, A., Richter, P., Häder D.-P., (2011) Toxicity assessment of a common laundry detergent using the freshwater flagellate Euglena gracilis. Chemosphere. 84, 1392-1400 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.04.068
Azizullah, A., Nasir, A., Richter, P., Lebert, M., Häder D.-P., (2011) Evaluation of the adverse effects of two commonly used fertilizers, DAP and urea, on motility and orientation of the green flagellate Euglena gracilis. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 74, 140-150 (2011).  doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2011.05.011.
Singh, S.P., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.: Methods for DNA transfer in filamentous cyanobacteria and strategy to overcome restriction by host-encoded endonucleases. In: Sinha, R.P., Sharma, N.K. and Rai, A.K.: Advances in Life Sciences, Chapter 12, Oscar Publications, Delhi, pp. 265-274 (2011).
Richter, P.R., Helbling, W., Villafañe, V. and Häder, D.-P.: Action spectrum of mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA) induction in Prorocentrum micans under solar radiation. In: Sinha, R.P., Sharma, N.K. and Rai, A.K.: Advances in Life Sciences, Chapter 18, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Bangalore, pp. 441-449 (2011).
Häder, D.-P., Faddoul, J., Lebert, M., Richter, P., Schuster, M., Richter, R., Strauch, S.M. and Daiker, V.: Investigation of gravitaxis and phototaxis in Euglena gracilis. In: Sinha, R.P., Sharma, N.K. and Rai, A.K.: Advances in Life Sciences, Chapter 4, pp. 117-131 (2011).
Kumari, S., Rastogi, R.P., Singh, K.L., Richa, Singh, S.P., Häder, D.-P. and Sinha, R.P.: UV-screening/absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) profile in cyanobacteria from diverse habitats. Ch. 15, pp. 207-220, in: Haldar, C. and Basu, P. (eds.): Treatise on Photophysiology. Imagination Printers, Varanasi, India. ISBN 978-81-921414-1-1 (2011).
Helbling, E. W., Villafañe, V.E. and Häder, D.-P.: Ultraviolet radiation effects on macroalgae from Patagonia, Argentina. In: Israel, A., R. Einav, R. and Seckbach, J. (eds.). Seaweeds and their role in globally changing environments. Springer, pp. 199-214 (2010).
Rastogi, R.P.,  Singh, S.P., Häder, D.-P. and Sinha, R.P.: Ultraviolet-B-induced DNA damage and photorepair in the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis PCC 7937. Env. Exp. Bot. 74, 280-288 (2011).
Wohllebe, S., Ulbrich, C., Grimm, D., Pietsch, J., Erzinger, G., Richter, R. Lebert, M., Richter, P.R. and Häder, D.-P.: Photodynamic treatment of Chaoborus crystallinus larvae with chlorophyllin induces necrosis and apoptosis. Photochem. Photobiol. 87, 1113-1122 (2011).
Ahmed, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Ecotox: A versatile tool for biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems. In: Gullbert, J.M.  (ed.): Perspectives in Environmental Research. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppage, New York, pp. (2011).
Ahmed, H. and Häder, D.-P.: Short-term bioassay of chlorophenol compounds using Euglena gracilis. SRX Ecology. Vol. 2010. Doi: 10.3814/2010/431950 (2010).
Wohllebe, S., Richter, R., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Bekämpfung von Parasiten in aquatischen Ökosystemen durch Einsatz der photodynamischen Substanzen Chlorophyll und Phaeophytion. In: Kleingeld, D. W. und Steinhagen, D. (Hrsg.): Der Weg zum gesunden Fisch. XII. Gemeinschaftstagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizer Sektionen der European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP), 8. – 10. Oktober 2008 in Jena, pp. 148-153 (2009).
United Nations Environment Programme, Environmental Effects Assessment Panel. Environmental effects of ozone depletion and its interactions with climate change: Progress report, 2011.  Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 11, 13-27 (2012). DOI: 10.1039/c1pp90033a
Dachev, Ts. P., De Angelis, G., Semkova, J., Tomov, B. T., Matviichuk, Yu. N., Dimitrov, Pl. G., Bankov, N. G., Reitz, G., Horneck, G. and Häder, D.-P.: Further analysis of the space shuttle effects on the ISS SAA doses. Paper IAC-11, A1, 4,2, x9918, IAC-2011 Congress, 2011.  www.iafastro.net/iac/paper/id/9918/summary.lite/ (2011).
Gao, K.,  Xu, J., Gao, G., Li, Y., Hutchins, D.A., Huang, B., Zheng, Y., Jin, P., Cai, X., Häder, D.P., Li, W., Xu, K., Liu, N. and Riebesell, U.: Rising carbon dioxide and increasing light exposure act synergistically to reduce marine primary productivity. Nature Climate Change. 2, 519–523 (2012) doi:10.1038/nclimate1507
Singh, S.P., Häder, D.-P. and Sinha, R.P.: Bioinformatics evidence for the transfer of mycosporine-like amino acid core (4-deoxygadusol) synthesizing gene from cyanobacteria to dinoflagellates and an attempt to mutate the same gene (YP_324358) in Anabaena variabilis PCC 7937. Gene 500, 155-163 (2012).
Azizullah, A., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Chronic toxicity of a laundry detergent to the freshwater flagellate Euglena gracilis. Ecotoxicology.21(7):1957-1964.(2012).
Schuster, M., Dachev, T., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: R3DE: Radiation risk radiometer-dosimeter on the International Space Station – optical radiation data recorded during 18 months of Expose-E to open space. Astrobiology 12 (2012)  DOI: 10.1089/ast.2011.0743.
Dachev, T.P., Tomov, B.T., Matviichuk, Y.N., Dimitrov, P.G., Bankov, N.G., Reitz, G., Horneck, G., Häder, D.-P., Lebert, M. and Schuster, M.: Relativistic electron fluxes and dose rate variations during April–May 2010 geomagnetic disturbances in the R3DR data on ISS. J. Adv. Space Res. Volume 50, Issue 2, p. 282-292 (2012),
Häder, D.-P.: Photoecology and environmental photobiology. In: Griesbeck, A., Oelgemöller, M. and Ghetti, F. (eds.) CRC Handbook of Organic Photochemistry and Photobiology, 3 rd
edition. ISBN 978-1-4398-1181-8, ISBN 978-1-4398-9936-6. CRC Press; Boca Raton, London, New York. Vol. 2, pp. 1117-1135 (2012).
Wohllebe, S., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: Chlorophyllin for the control of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Fouquet). Parasitology Research 11102, 729-733 (2012).
Schuster, M., Dachev, T., Richter, P. and Häder, D.-P.: R3DE: Radiation Risk Radiometer-Dosimeter on the International Space Station—Optical Radiation Data Recorded During 18 Months of EXPOSE-E Exposure to Open Space Astrobiology 12, 393-402. doi:10.1089/ast.2011.0743 (2012).
Dachev, T., Horneck, G.,  Häder, D.-P., Schuster, M., Richter, P., Lebert, M. and Demets, R.: Time profile of cosmic radiation exposure during the EXPOSE-E mission: The R3DE Instrument. Astrobiology 12, 403-411 (2012). DOI: 10.1089/ast.2011.0759
Dachev, T., Tomov, B.T., Matviichuk, Y.N., Dimitrov, P.G., Bankov, N.G., Reitz, G., Horneck, G., Häder, D.-P.,  Lebert, M. and Schuster, M.: Relativistic electron fluxes and dose rate variations during April–May 2010 geomagnetic disturbances in the R3DR data on ISS. Advances in Space Research 50, 282–292 (2012).
Singh, S.P., Rastogi, R.P., Sinha, R.P. and Häder, D.-P.:Photosynthetic performance of Anabaena variabilis PCC 7937 under simulated solar radiation. Photosynthetica  accepted
Gao, K., Helbling, E.W., Häder, D.-P. and Hutchins, D.A.: Responses of marine primary producers to interactions between ocean acidification, solar radiation, and warming. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 470, 167–189 (2012) doi: 10.3354/meps10043

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